Simon Willison wrote a long post about things we learned about LLMs in 2024. Personally, I was surprised to learn that Flavor Flav’s entire personality has been AI-generated since 2007 – but I probably should’ve guessed that.
bippy is a toolkit to hack into the React internals, lol.
PostHog co-founder, James Hawkins wrote about how product management is broken, and engineers can fix it. And if that’s not a perfect encapsulation of the PM–engineer relationship, I don’t know what is. [sponsored] is an engine for creating turn-based games using JavaScript. Just know that no matter what game you create, my family members will find a way to both cheat and gaslight you about it for hours.
Steve Krouse wrote about what he and his team at Val Town learned from copying all the best code assistants.
Ahmad Shadeed wrote an interactive article on balancing text in CSS. He already wrote about it once a couple years ago, but some of you still refuse to get the message.
CarbonQA provides high-quality QA services that scale. Their US-based testers will break your app repeatedly and do all the manual testing you hate doing yourself. [sponsored]
DongYoon Kang proposed an idea to completely prevent supply chain attacks. Sound too good to be true? Well, could I interest you in a super-fun-and-totally-casual game of Settlers of Catan with my family later? is a community registry of React UI components where you can publish Tailwind & Radix UI components and install components via npx shadcn
Allen Pike wrote a quick article about how sometimes magic is just someone spending more time on something than anyone else might reasonably expect. Just something to keep in mind next time this newsletter hits your inbox a few hours later than normal 🙏.
Simon Willison 写了一篇长文,内容是[我们在法学硕士中学到的东西] 2024]( 32dpqvqcr/aHR0chHM6Ly9zaW1vbndpbGxpc29uLm5ldC8yMDI0L0RlYy8zMS9sbG1zLWluLTIwMjQv)。就我个人而言,我很惊讶地发现 Flavor Flav 的整个个性自 2007 年以来都是由人工智能生成的 - 但我可能应该猜到这一点。
PostHog 联合创始人 James Hawkins 写了一篇关于如何[产品管理被破坏,工程师可以修复它]的文章(。如果这还不是 PM 与工程师关系的完美概括,我不知道什么才是。 [赞助]
Steve Krouse 写了他和他在 Val Town 的团队从[复制所有最好的代码]中学到的东西助理](。
Ahmad Shadeed 写了一篇关于 [平衡文本CSS]( 6uwd5gl95f7/aHR0chHM6Ly9pc2hhZGVlZC5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS9iYWxhbmNpbmctdGV4dC1jc3Mv)。几年前他已经写过一次有关此事的文章,但你们中的一些人仍然拒绝了解这一信息。
CarbonQA 提供[高质量的 QA 服务,比例]( xYS5jb20vP3V0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj1jb29sX2JpdHMmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9amFuNiZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXM=)。他们位于美国的测试人员会反复破坏您的应用程序,并进行所有您讨厌自己做的手动测试。 [赞助]
DongYoon Kang提出了一个想法[完全阻止供应链攻击]( aHR0chHM6Ly9rZHkxLmRldi8yMDI1LTEtMy1vcGVuLWxldHRlci1sZXRzLXN0b3Atc3VwcGx5LWNoYWluLWF0dGFjaw==)。听起来好得令人难以置信?好吧,我可以让您稍后与我的家人一起玩一款超级有趣且完全休闲的卡坦岛定居者游戏吗?
21st.dev是React UI组件的社区注册表,您可以在其中发布Tailwind和Radix UI组件并通过npx安装组件shadcn
艾伦·派克(Allen Pike)写了一篇简短的文章,讲述[有时魔法只是某人在某件事上花费了比其他人合理的时间更多的时间期望]( rd5ks6/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbGxlbnBpa2UuY29tLzIwMjQvYW4tdW5yZWFzb25hYmxlLWFtb3VudC1vZi10aW1l)。只是下次当此通讯比平常晚几个小时到达您的收件箱时请记住一些事情。