Max Woolf wrote an article called, Can LLMs write better code if you keep asking them to “write better code”?. It reminds me of how my Grandpa got his first job by just walking right up to the manager and asking.
Meticulous AI generates and maintains a continuously evolving e2e test suite, with zero effort and zero flakes. The CTO of Courier said that it “eliminated the need to write and maintain frontend tests across my engineering org” – and it’s one of the coolest AI use cases we’ve seen. [sponsored]
Ollie Williams wrote about formatting dates and times with Temporal and the Internationalization API.
Matt Perry, the creator of Motion, added a bunch of vanilla JS examples to
Evan Bacon went on the React Universe podcast to discuss universal React Native apps with DOM & React Server Components. My horoscope told me that the universe would try to teach me something in 2025, so I guess astrology is real after all. Checkmate, haters.
tailwindcss-motion is a new Tailwind plugin that provides a simple syntax to animate any element in your Tailwind project.
Dominik Dorfmeister gave a talk called React Query - the bad parts.
Sentry is hosting a free livestream on How to build testing culture on your team, where two engineering leaders will share some practical strategies for how to get buy-in, how to steadily improve test coverage over time, and how to effectively guilt everyone on your team into writing better tests. (Fine, I made up the last one.) [sponsored]
BennyKok wrote a quick article about how and why his team migrated from Next.js to just React.
Midscene.js is an AI-powered SDK for UI automation and data extraction that can integrate with tools like Playwright and Puppeteer. This will make it easier to scrape the LinkedIn profiles of all your high school bullies to figure out if you make more money than them now – and it’s cheaper than therapy.
Max Woolf 写了一篇文章,名为:[如果你不断要求法学硕士“写得更好,他们能写出更好的代码吗?”代码”?]( hmupq6mmngfg/aHR0chHM6Ly9taW5pbWF4aXIuY29tLzIwMjUvMDEvd3JpdGUtYmV0dGVyLWNvZGUv)。这让我想起我的爷爷是如何通过直接走到经理面前询问而获得第一份工作的。
细致的AI生成并维护[不断发展的e2e测试套件]( h6/aHR0chHM6Ly93d3cubWV0aWN1bG91cy5haS8_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWphbjNyZCZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz),零努力、零剥落。 Courier 的首席技术官表示,它“消除了在我的工程组织中编写和维护前端测试的需要”——这是我们见过的最酷的人工智能用例之一。 [赞助]
Ollie Williams 写了关于[使用时间和国际化格式化日期和时间API]( x22o2am/aHR0cHM6Ly9mdWxseXN0YWNrZWQubmV0L2Zvcm1hdHRpbmctZGF0ZXMtYW5kLXRpbWVzLw==)。
Motion 的创建者 Matt Perry 添加了一堆普通的 JS 示例。
Evan Bacon 在 React Universe 播客上讨论了[带有 DOM 和 React Server 的通用 React Native 应用程序组件]( 2FsbHN0YWNrLmNvbS9wb2RjYXN0cy91bml2ZXJzYWwtcmVhY3QtbmF0aXZlLWFwcHMtd2l0aC1kb20tcmVhY3Qtc2VydmVyLWNvbXBvbmVudHM=)。我的星象告诉我,宇宙会在 2025 年教给我一些东西,所以我想占星学毕竟是真实的。将死,仇恨者。
tailwindcss-motion是一个新的 Tailwind 插件提供了一个简单的语法来为 Tailwind 项目中的任何元素设置动画。
Dominik Dorfmeister 做了一个名为 [React Query - the bad部分]( 55o2sp/aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRuYXRpb24uY29tL2NvbnRlbnRzL3JlYWN0LXF1ZXJ5LXRoZS1iYWQtcGFydHM=)。
Sentry 正在举办免费直播 [如何在您的系统上构建测试文化]团队]( r9ntq/aHR0chHM6Ly9zZW50cnkuaW8vcmVzb3VyY2VzL2J1aWxkLXRlc3RpbmctY3VsdHVyZS13b3Jrc2hvcC 8_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWNvZGVjb3YtZnkyNXE0LXRlc3RhbmFseXRpY3MmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9bmV3c2xldH Rlci13b3Jrc2hvcC1yc3ZwJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09cGFpZC1jb21tdW5pdHkmdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1ieXRlcw==),两位工程领导者将分享一些实用策略,包括如何获得支持、如何随着时间的推移稳步提高测试覆盖率,以及如何有效地让团队中的每个人都编写更好的测试。 (好吧,最后一个是我编的。) [赞助]
BennyKok 写了一篇关于 [他的团队如何以及为何从 Next.js 迁移到仅仅反应]( 4mkknqa5/aHR0chHM6Ly93d3cuY29tZnlkZXBsb3kuY29tL2Jsb2cveW91LWRvbnQtbmVlZC1uZXh0anM=)。
Midscene.js是一个人工智能驱动的SDK,用于UI自动化和数据提取,可以与Playwright等工具集成和傀儡师。这样可以更轻松地抓取所有高中霸凌者的 LinkedIn 个人资料,以确定你现在是否比他们赚更多的钱,而且比治疗更便宜。