Mitchell Hashimoto just open-sourced Ghostty, or as I like to call it, the Patrick Swayze of terminals.
Bramus spent his Christmas vacation adding examples of scroll animations to the CSS spec. Live, laugh, scroll.
Bun is adding first-class support for S3 that lets you read and write S3 files as if they were part of your local filesystem.
Roadmap UI is a collection of composable components for building interactive roadmaps. And like every other component library created from 2022 until the end of time, it’s built on top of shadcn/ui 🙏.
Evan Bacon cooked up some new form components for you to use in your next React Native project.
David Sancho wrote about a strategy for testing CLIs called “Cram Testing”, which coincidentally, is the same strategy that helped me achieve a respectable D+ in Accounting 101.
Astro 5.1 comes with a new experimental sessions feature, better image caching, and more.
Roel Nieskens built a fun little tool called Wakamai Fondue (what can my font do), which feels like a font nerd’s version of 23andMe. I’m just hoping it doesn’t leak my personal DNA data onto the dark web – jk, it’s for sure already there.
You can use an AbortController
to remove all the event listeners at once. When passed a signal
as an option, the event listener will be removed when the AbortSignal
’s abort()
method is called.
const controller = new AbortController();
const { signal } = controller;
element.addEventListener('click', () => {
}, { signal });
element.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
}, { signal });
element.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
}, { signal });
element.addEventListener('focus', () => {
}, { signal });
Note: Older browsers may not support the options
parameter for addEventListener
, but it is supported in all modern browsers.
about your company?
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50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Mitchell Hashimoto 刚刚开源幽灵,或者我喜欢称之为帕特里克终端的 Swayze。
Bun 正在添加 [一流的支持S3]( og97wf9/aHR0chHM6Ly94LmNvbS9idW5qYXZhc2NyaXB0L3N0YXR1cy8xODczMjM0ODAyNjc1MjA0MTA2)允许您读写 S3 文件,就好像它们是本地文件系统的一部分一样。
路线图 UI 是用于构建交互式路线图的可组合组件的集合。与从 2022 年到世界末日创建的所有其他组件库一样,它构建在 shadcn/ui 之上。
5.埃文培根烹制了一些[新形式组件]( wlergzes7/aHR0CHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL0V2YW5CYWNvbi9leHBvLXJvdXRlci1mb3Jtcy1jb21wb25lbnRz)供您在下一个 React Native 项目中使用。
David Sancho 写了一篇关于 [一种测试 CLI 的策略,称为“Cram测试”]( mg948tk/aHR0chHM6Ly9zYW5jaG8uZGV2L2Jsb2cvY3JhbS10ZXN0cy1hLWhpZGRlbi1nZW0tb2YtZHVuZQ==),巧合的是,正是这个策略帮助我在会计 101 中取得了令人尊敬的 D+ 成绩。
Astro 5.1配备了新的实验会话功能,图像更好缓存等等。
Roel Nieskens 构建了一个有趣的小工具,名为 Wakamai Fondue(我的字体可以用什么) do),感觉就像字体迷版本的 23andMe。我只是希望它不会将我的个人 DNA 数据泄露到暗网上 – jk,它肯定已经存在了。
const controller = new AbortController();
const { signal } = controller;
element.addEventListener('click', () => {
}, { signal });
element.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
}, { signal });
element.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
}, { signal });
element.addEventListener('focus', () => {
}, { signal });
使用 ❤️ 由 构建
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 盐湖城,犹他州 84101