Artem Zakirullin wrote about how cognitive load is what matters for developers writing code and for parents trying to keep up with the elf on a shelf insanity.
Alex Korban wrote some impressions of React and TypeScript from an Elixir/Elm developer. Shocker: he hates it.
Incogni is offering 58% off their annual plans with the coupon code BYTES. It scrubs your personal data from the web and removes your sensitive information from all broker types, including those tricky People Search Sites. [sponsored]
Right on cue, Tzvetan Mikov wrote about compiling full-featured JavaScript to Wasm. Just use Extism, my guy.
Daishi Kato wrote some thoughts on what RSC means for SPAs.
Jacob Jackson wrote about how JavaScript benchmarking is a mess. Just like my mental health in December.
CarbonQA provides high-quality QA services that scale. Their US-based testers will break your app repeatedly and do all the manual testing you hate doing yourself. [sponsored]
The Chrome team wrote up a 2024 recap of the most impactful new Chrome features and they managed to only mention Gemini a respectable 7 times.
Raymond Camden wrote an article on summarizing with the Transformers.js SDK.
David Teller dared to ask (and answer) the question we know was on your mind all day on Christmas: what would it take to add refinement types to Rust? Life’s biggest questions always come out around the holidays.
Artem Zakirullin 写到认知负荷是什么事项对于编写代码的开发人员和对于试图跟上的父母架子上的精灵疯狂。
Alex Korban 写了一些 [来自 Elixir/Elm 的 React 和 TypeScript 的印象]开发人员]( /aHR0chHM6Ly9rb3JiYW4ubmV0L3Bvc3RzL2VsbS8yMDI0LTExLTE2LXR5cGVzY3JpcHQtcmVhY3QtaW1wcmVzc2lvbnMv)。震惊:他讨厌它。
Incogni 提供 [58% 的年度折扣计划]( cg/aHR0chHM6Ly9kZWFsLmluY29nbmkuaW8vYWZmX2M_YWZmX2lkPTEyMTQmb2ZmZXJfaWQ9NiZ1cmxfaWQ9MQ==)使用优惠券代码 BYTES。它会从网络上清除您的个人数据,并从所有经纪人类型中删除您的敏感信息,包括那些棘手的人物搜索网站。 [赞助]
恰巧,Tzvetan Mikov 写了一篇关于将全功能 JavaScript 编译为Wasm。就用极端主义吧,伙计。
5.加藤大师写了一些关于[RSC意味着什么SPA]( R0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmF4bGlnaHQuY29tL3Bvc3RzL3Rob3VnaHRzLW9uLXdoYXQtcnNjLW1lYW5zLWZvci1zcGFzLw==)。
Jacob Jackson 写了一篇关于 [JavaScript 基准测试是如何混乱]( vzkfm/aHR0chHM6Ly9ieXRlb2ZkZXYuY29tL3Bvc3RzL2phdmFzY3JpcHQtYmVuY2htYXJraW5nLW1lc3Mv)。就像我十二月的心理健康状况一样。
CarbonQA 提供[高质量的 QA 服务,比例]( xYS5jb20vP3V0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj1jb29sX2JpdHMmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9ZGVjMjcmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz)。他们位于美国的测试人员会反复破坏您的应用程序,并进行所有您讨厌自己做的手动测试。 [赞助]
Chrome 团队撰写了 2024 年最具影响力的新 Chrome 回顾功能他们只提到了双子座 7 次。
Raymond Camden 写了一篇关于 [用 Transformers.js 进行总结] 的文章SDK]( CHM6Ly93d3cucmF5bW9uZGNhbWRlbi5jb20vMjAyNC8xMi8xOC9zdW1tYXJpemluZy13aXRoLXRyYW5zZm9ybWVyc2pz)。
David Teller 敢于提出(并回答)我们知道您在圣诞节一整天都在想的问题:需要什么才能将细化类型添加到生锈?生活中最大的问题总是在假期期间出现。