Sam Rose created this introduction to Turing machines that’s so interactive, it’ll feel like Benedict Cumberbatch is explaining it to you himself.
Waqas Younas created a visual guide to how concurrency works.
What’s capturing developers’ attention in 2025? Are you earning what you deserve? Join the *shorter* version of The Developer Nation Survey to influence developer trends while unlocking a free Virtual Goody Bag. Plus, you’ll get a chance to win a bunch of prizes. [sponsored]
shadcn/ui just announced monorepo support in the CLI, making it a lot easier to use shadcn/ui in a monorepo. The bad news is that you still work for a company that uses monorepos.
Clay is a flex-box style, auto-layout library with declarative syntax.
I gave my grandma this Angular Christmas Calendar, instead of her usual advent calendar. She was a little confused by the lack of chocolate and religious imagery – but she’s super into Signals now.
Reweb created a visual builder for Next.js, Tailwind, & shadcn/ui that lets you choose from pre-made templates (or generate UI with AI), customize them with a visual editor, and seamlessly export quality Next.js code. It’s used by thousands of developers and has gotten some pretty high praise. [sponsored]
Inertia just released v2.0 of its “modern monolith” framework for Laravel. It comes with async requests, deferred props, prefetching, and more Next.js features updates.
Zod 3.24 is the first version of Zod to implement the Standard Schema spec. One small step for Zod, one giant step for type nerds everywhere 🫡.
This article from the Anthropic team gives some practical advice on how to build effective AI agents. Erik Schluntz and Barry Zhang are listed as the authors – but can you really call yourself an author if all you did was ask Claude to “Write me a 2,000-word essay on building AI agents that makes us seem intelligent, but relatable”?
Sam Rose 创建了这个图灵机简介如此互动,感觉就像是本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇亲自向您解释一样。
Waqas Younas 创建了一个[并发性如何的视觉指南有效]( W91bmFzLmdpdGh1Yi5pby9jb25jdXJyZW5jeS8yMDI0LzEyLzEyL2hvdy1jb25jdXJyZW5jeS13b3Jrcy1hLXZpc3VhbC1ndWlkZS8 =)。
2025年什么吸引了开发者的关注?你赚到的是你应得的吗?加入**较短**版本的[开发者国家调查]( g/aHR0chHM6Ly9kZXZlbG9wZXJlY29ub21pY3MubmV0Lz9tZW1iZXJfaWQ9Ynl0ZXMmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1ubF9hZF8y)影响开发者趋势,同时解锁免费的虚拟礼品袋。另外,您还有机会赢得大量奖品。 [赞助]
shadcn/ui 刚刚宣布 monorepo 支持CLI,使得在单一仓库。坏消息是您仍在一家使用 monorepos 的公司工作。
6.我送给奶奶这个【Angular Christmas日历](,而不是她通常的降临节日历。她对巧克力和宗教意象的缺乏感到有点困惑——但她现在非常喜欢信号。
8.【惯性刚刚释放v2.0]( nLmxhcmF2ZWwuY29tL2Fubm91bmNpbmctaW5lcnRpYS0yMC1yZWRlZmluaW5nLWZyb250ZW5kLWRldmVsb3BtZW50LWZvci1sYXJhdmVs) Laravel 的“现代整体”框架。它带有异步请求、延迟属性、预取和更多 Next.js 功能更新。
[佐德3.24]( 0xq0n3hv/aHR0chHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2NvbGluaGFja3Mvem9kL3JlbGVhc2VzL3RhZy92My4yNC4w)是 Zod 的第一个实现标准架构规范的版本。 Zod 的一小步,却是各地类型书呆子的一大步🫡。
Anthropic团队的这篇文章就[如何构建有效的AI代理]( 74up/aHR0chHM6Ly93d3cuYW50aHJvcGljLmNvbS9yZXNlYXJjaC9idWlsZGluZy1lZmZlY3RpdmUtYWdlbnRz)。埃里克·施伦茨 (Erik Schluntz) 和巴里·张 (Barry Zhu) 被列为作者——但如果你所做的只是要求克劳德“给我写一篇 2000 字的论文,关于构建人工智能代理,让我们看起来很聪明,但又让人产生共鸣”,你真的能称自己为作者吗?