Microsoft just announced that they’re fusing GitHub Copilot with VS Code and offering a new free plan. Thank you for saving my life, VS GitCode HubPilot
MindStudio created a platform for building and deploying serverless AI functions that would be very difficult/impossible to write with code. They just launched a new feature that lets you auto-generate entire AI workflows from a text prompt – you just tell it what you want the AI worker to do, and it builds all the inputs, functions, and integrations for you. Their demo video on YouTube is pretty mind-blowing. [sponsored]
The team behind Radix, MUI, and Floating UI just released Base UI, an unstyled React component library for building accessible user interfaces. Not to be confused with Baste UI – a library that reminds me to regularly bathe myself in turkey drippings to preserve my skin’s natural sheen.
Tom MacWright wrote about using Val Town to chart dependency bloat.
Adam Argyle wrote a CSS Wishlist for 2025. It’s full of good stuff, but considering the fact that we’re already drowning in new CSS features we barely know how to use, this feels like Dudley Dursley asking for “more presents than last year.”
Incogni is offering 58% off their annual plans with coupon code BYTES. It scrubs your personal data from the web and removes your sensitive information from all broker types, including those tricky People Search Sites. [sponsored]
Pragmatic Drag and Drop is a low level drag-and-drop toolchain for any tech stack. Not to be confused with Ru Paul’s new show, Pragmatic Drag, where the queens all wear comfortable heels and understated makeup.
The MoonBit language just announced that their MoonBit compiler is now open source and available on GitHub.
Joeri Sebrechts wrote about Sweet Suspense in React.
Convex for Startups is a new program that lets you apply to get up to 1 year free of Convex Professional, plus a bunch of other perks. Their all-in-one backend platform gives you everything you need to go from idea to product in weeks, which is why hundreds of the fastest-growing startups already use it. [sponsored]
Jason Bradberry wrote an article called Why I’m excited about text-box-trim as a designer.
Maxwell Neely-Cohen wrote a cool article on a fancy Harvard website that tries to answer the question, If you had to store something for 100 years, how would you do it? Two words: Baste UI.
微软刚刚宣布他们正在[将 GitHub Copilot 与 VS 融合在一起代码]( /aHR0chHM6Ly9jb2RlLnZpc3VhbHN0dWRpby5jb20vYmxvZ3MvMjAyNC8xMi8xOC9mcmVlLWdpdGh1Yi1jb3BpbG90)并提供新的免费计划。感谢你救了我的命,“VS GitCode HubPilot”。
MindStudio 创建了一个用于[构建和部署无服务器 AI函数]( 0dWRpby5haS9kZXZlbG9wZXJzLz91dG1fY29udGVudD1pbnRyby1haS13b3JrZXJzJnV0bV9tZWRpdW09bmV3c2xldHRlciZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz)用代码编写将非常困难/不可能。他们刚刚推出了一项新功能,可让您根据文本提示自动生成整个人工智能工作流程 - 您只需告诉它您希望人工智能工作人员做什么,它就会为您构建所有输入、功能和集成。他们的[演示视频YouTube]( 6/aHR0chHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_YWJfY2hhbm5lbD1NaW5kU3R1ZGlvJnY9TTlTY2cxV25ndnc=)非常令人兴奋。 [赞助]
Radix、MUI 和 Floating UI 背后的团队刚刚发布了 Base UI,一个用于构建无障碍用户的无样式 React 组件库接口。不要与 Baste UI 混淆——这个库提醒我定期用火鸡汁洗澡,以保持皮肤的自然光泽。
Tom MacWright 写了一篇关于[使用 Val Town 来绘制依赖关系图]膨胀](。
Adam Argyle 写了一份 CSS 愿望清单2025。它充满了好东西,但考虑到我们已经淹没在新的 CSS 功能中,我们几乎不知道如何使用,这感觉就像 Dudley Dursley 要求“比去年更多的礼物”。
Incogni 提供 [58% 的年度折扣计划]( hl/aHR0chHM6Ly9kZWFsLmluY29nbmkuaW8vYWZmX2M_YWZmX2lkPTEyMTQmb2ZmZXJfaWQ9NiZ1cmxfaWQ9MQ==)使用优惠券代码 BYTES。它会从网络上清除您的个人数据,并从所有经纪人类型中删除您的敏感信息,包括那些棘手的人物搜索网站。 [赞助]
7.【务实拖拉Drop](是一个适用于任何技术堆栈的低级拖放工具链。不要与 Ru Paul 的新秀“务实变装”相混淆,其中的皇后们都穿着舒适的高跟鞋,化着低调的妆容。
MoonBit 语言刚刚宣布他们的 [MoonBit 编译器现已开源并可在GitHub]( qeer48fg/aHR0chHM6Ly93d3cubW9vbmJpdGxhbmcuY29tL2Jsb2cvY29tcGlsZXItb3BlbnNvdXJjZTA=)。
Joeri Sebrechts 写了关于[甜蜜]悬念]( /aHR0chHM6Ly9wbGFpbnZhbmlsbGF3ZWIuY29tL2Jsb2cvYXJ0aWNsZXMvMjAyNC0wOS0wOS1zd2VldC1zdXNwZW5zZS8=)在反应中。
Convex for Startups是一个新计划,可让您申请获得1 年免费使用 Convex Professional,外加一系列其他福利。他们的一体化后端平台为您提供了在几周内从想法到产品所需的一切,这就是为什么数百家增长最快的初创公司已经在使用它。 [赞助]
Jason Bradberry 写了一篇文章,名为[为什么我对文本框修剪感到兴奋设计师]( CHM6Ly9waWNjYWxpbC5saS9ibG9nL3doeS1pbS1leGNpdGVkLWFib3V0LXRleHQtYm94LXRyaW0tYXMtYS1kZXNpZ25lci8=)。
Maxwell Neely-Cohen 在哈佛大学的一个精美网站上写了一篇很酷的文章,试图回答这个问题,如果你必须将某样东西存储 100 年,你会怎么做?它?两个词:涂抹用户界面。