Blaž Hrastnik created a “post-modern” text editor called Helix. It features LSP support, powerful code manipulation tools, and a bunch of those Andy Warhol prints that your artsy college roommate used to hang everywhere.
Next.js 15.1 adds stable support for React 19 🫡.
Clerk just released a new <Waitlist />
component that looks pretty slick. I can’t wait to use it to build FOMO for my new streetwear-for-kids collab with Supreme and Paw Patrol. [sponsored]
A judge just ruled against WordPress in the never-ending saga of WPEngine vs. Matt Mullenweg’s mid-life crisis.
Jake Lazaroff wrote about isomorphic web components, which I’m 95% sure is a real thing and not just a bit he’s doing.
Consider this your weekly reminder to try out – StackBlitz’s AI-powered dev sandbox that lets you prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web apps from the browser. [sponsored]
The React Router team created this new Address Book tutorial, but to complete it you have to manually type “I must not complain about breaking changes” into your editor 400 times.
Prabashwara Seneviratne wrote some reflections on managing state.
Charly Poly wrote an article breaking down how to use the
APIs to quickly build AI applications on serverless – and how they help you save a meaningful amount on compute. [sponsored]
Hemanth shared some juicy updates from the 105th TC39 meeting. You’ll never guess which two committee members got voted off the island.
Pavel Romanov wrote this article exploring the core concepts of Node.js readable streams.
Glauber Costa and the Turso team responded to their own mid-life crises by deciding to rewrite SQLite in Rust. As far as MLCs go, this is somewhere between signing up for a marathon and burning the entire WordPress community to the ground.
Blaž Hrastnik 创建了一个名为 Helix 的“后现代”文本编辑器(。它具有 LSP 支持、强大的代码操作工具,以及你的艺术大学室友曾经到处挂的一堆 Andy Warhol 印刷品。
Next.js 15.1增加了对React 19的稳定支持🫡。
Clerk 刚刚发布了 一个新的 <Waitlist />
组件,看起来非常漂亮。我迫不及待地想用它来为我与 Supreme 和 Paw Patrol 合作的全新儿童街头服饰打造 FOMO。 [赞助]
法官刚刚[驳回WordPress]( 3cudGhldmVyZ2UuY29tLzIwMjQvMTIVMTAvMjQzMTgzNTAvYXV0b21hdHRpYy1yZXN0b3JlLXdwLWVuZ2luZS1hY2Nlc3Mtd29yZHByZXNz)在 WPEngine 与 Matt Mullenweg 的中年危机的永无休止的传奇故事中。
Jake Lazaroff 写了一篇关于[同构网络组件]( 7997eobx/aHR0chHM6Ly9qYWtlbGF6YXJvZmYuY29tL3dvcmRzL2lzb21vcnBoaWMtd2ViLWNvbXBvbmVudHMv),我 95% 确信这是真实的事情,而不仅仅是他在做的一点点。
将此视为您每周的提醒,尝试一下 – StackBlitz 的 AI 驱动的开发沙箱,可让您提示、运行、编辑,并从浏览器部署全栈网络应用程序。 [赞助]
React Router 团队创建了这个新地址簿教程,但是完成它后,您必须在编辑器中手动输入“我不能抱怨重大更改”400 次。
Prabashwara Seneviratne 写了一些[关于管理的思考]状态]( 3d3cuZnJvbnRlbmR1bmRlZmluZWQuY29tL3Bvc3RzL21vbnRobHkvcmVhY3Qtc3RhdGUtbWFuYWdlbWVudC1yZWZsZWN0aW9ucy8=)。
Charly Poly 写了一篇文章,详细介绍了如何使用“” API 快速构建 AI 应用程序无服务器]( LWZvci1zZXJ2ZXJsZXNzLWFpLWFwcGxpY2F0aW9ucz91dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249YWlfYnl0ZXMy JnV0bV9jb250ZW50PWJsb2cmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1jYW1wYWlnbiZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz) – 以及它们如何帮助您节省大量计算费用。 [赞助]
Hemanth 分享了[一些多汁的更新]( 3hg/aHR0chHM6Ly9kZXYudG8vaGVtYW50aC91cGRhdGVzLWZyb20tdGhlLTEwNXRoLXRjMzktbWVldGluZy0zZ2to)摘自第 105 次 TC39 会议。你永远猜不到哪两位委员会成员被投票选出了岛外。
Pavel Romanov 写了这篇文章【探索 Node.js 可读性的核心概念流]( Ly9wYXZlbC1yb21hbm92LmNvbS9leHBsb3JpbmctdGhlLWNvcmUtY29uY2VwdHMtb2Ytbm9kZWpzLXJlYWRhYmxlLXN0cmVhbXM=)。
Glauber Costa 和 Turso 团队为了应对自己的中年危机,决定[重写 SQLite生锈]( Ly90dXJzby50ZWNoL2Jsb2cvaW50cm9kdWNpbmctbGltYm8tYS1jb21wbGV0ZS1yZXdyaXRlLW9mLXNxbGl0ZS1pbi1ydXN0)。就 MLC 而言,这介于报名参加马拉松和烧毁整个 WordPress 社区之间。