I decided to replace our family’s “Elf on a Shelf” with Advent of TypeScript. My 4 year old was pretty upset, but he’ll thank me once he realizes he’s the only kid in pre-K who knows how to use utility types.
MindStudio lets you quickly build and deploy serverless AI functions to handle all kinds of hard-to-code problems. It comes with a broad set of integrated tools to analyze, debug, optimize, and supervise your functions, with 50+ major AI models instantly available – or you can use your own. Over 100k functions deployed. [sponsored]
Corbin Crutchley wrote about Writing modern JavaScript without a bundler. It’ll give you a vision of what can be, unbundled by what has been.
Skia Canvas is a browser-less implementation of the HTML Canvas drawing API for Node.js.
Naman Goel (maintainer of StyleX at Meta) wrote his thoughts on Tailwind 4. Can I interest you in giving some feedback on TypeScript code written by a toddler, Naman?
Here’s a perfect holiday gift to give your team: 15-minute QA cycles with QA Wolf. They’ll help you ship faster and with fewer bugs, so it really is the gift that keeps on giving. [sponsored]
Phoenix LiveView 1.0 just launched, six years after the initial commit – and the creators say that its programming model “still feels like cheating.” If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Tiger Woods, it’s that if something “feels like cheating”, it probably is.
King TkDodo wrote about Ref Callbacks, React 19 and the Compiler.
Apryse’s PDF Optimizer lets you optimize PDF file size across all platforms without sacrificing quality – so your users can view shared documents online without waiting for the entire file to download 🙏. [sponsored]
Dan McKinley shared this talk he gave on Egoless Engineering. Now he needs to give a talk on id-less engineering, so I can silence my intrusive thoughts while I’m at work.
Lingui released v5.0 of its internationalization library.
Ankita Kulkarni made this 30-minute video reviewing TanStack Start vs. Next.js. If you’re a client-side app fan, get ready to ugly cry harder than you did during the last scene of Wicked.
2.MindStudio让您快速构建和部署[无服务器AI函数](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/7qh7h2uong7d4qbz/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWluZHN 0dWRpby5haS9kZXZlbG9wZXJzP3V0bV9jb250ZW50PWludHJvLWFpLXdvcmtlcnMmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1uZXdzbGV0dGVyJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXM=)处理各种难以编码的问题。它配备了广泛的集成工具来分析、调试、优化和监督您的功能,并可立即使用 50 多个主要 AI 模型 - 或者您也可以使用自己的模型。部署了超过 10 万个功能。 [赞助]
Corbin Crutchley 写了一篇关于 [Writing Modern JavaScript without a捆绑器](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/owkhwurq zvx89sv/aHR0chHM6Ly9wbGF5ZnVscHJvZ3JhbW1pbmcuY29tL3Bvc3RzL21vZGVybi1qcy1idW5kbGVsZXNz)。它会让你对未来有一个愿景,摆脱过去的束缚。
Skia Canvas 是 Node.js 的 HTML Canvas 绘图 API 的无浏览器实现。
Naman Goel(Meta 的 StyleX 维护者)写了他的 对 Tailwind 的想法4。您是否有兴趣对幼儿 Naman 编写的 TypeScript 代码提供一些反馈?
这是送给您团队的完美节日礼物:[15 分钟 QA周期](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/x0hph3uwqg6k7vu5/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucWF3 b2xmLmNvbS8_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPUN1dFlvdXJRQUN5Y2xlczEyMDkyMDI0JnV0bV9tZWRpdW09bmV3c2xldHRlciZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz)与 QA Wolf 一起。它们将帮助您更快地交付并减少错误,因此这确实是不断给予的礼物。 [赞助]
7.【凤凰直播1.0](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/6qhehou79qgx2mco/aHR0cHM6Ly 93d3cucGhvZW5peGZyYW1ld29yay5vcmcvYmxvZy9waG9lbml4LWxpdmV2aWV3LTEuMC1yZWxlYXNlZD9yZWxlYXNlPTEuMA==)刚刚推出,距最初提交已经过去了六年——创作者表示,它的编程模型“仍然感觉像作弊”。如果说我从泰格·伍兹那里学到了一件事,那就是如果某件事“感觉像是作弊”,那么它很可能就是作弊。
King TkDodo 写了关于 [Ref Callbacks、React 19 和编译器](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/e0hph0u0rxgmn ri8/aHR0chHM6Ly90a2RvZG8uZXUvYmxvZy9yZWYtY2FsbGJhY2tzLXJlYWN0LTE5LWFuZC10aGUtY29tcGlsZXI=)。
Apryse 的 PDF 优化器可以让您[优化 PDF 文件大小](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/7qh7h2uong7d4xsz/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcHJ5c2UuY29 tL2NhcGFiaWxpdGllcy9vcHRpbWl6ZT91dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249MTIwOSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPW5ld3NsZXR0ZXImdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1ieXRlcy5kZXY=)跨所有平台而不牺牲质量 - 因此您的用户可以在线查看共享文档,而无需等待整个文件下载🙏。 [赞助]
Dan McKinley 分享了他在 [Egoless Engineering] 上的演讲(https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/owkhwurqzvx8etv/aHR0cHM6Ly9lZ29sZXNzLmVuZ2luZWVyaW5nLw==)。现在他需要就无身份工程进行演讲,这样我就可以在工作时压制我的侵入性想法。
11.【临桂发布v5.0](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/e5um2zm0q3b7hl99e08u7u89ex022cl/z2hgh7u3lg v5dgcp/aHR0chHM6Ly9saW5ndWkuZGV2L2Jsb2cvMjAyNC8xMS8yOC9hbm5vdW5jaW5nLWxpbmd1aS01LjA=)其国际化库。