Nolan Sullivan wrote a comprehensive breakdown of Vitest vs. Jest to help me prepare for my upcoming Fantasy Testing Framework draft. Time to finally win back my kid’s college fund.
Vite 6.0 just came out, and we’ll write a full breakdown on it next week.
StackBlitz made this 6-minute YouTube video on how to use Supabase in your app in order to store data and authenticate users. [sponsored]
injuly wrote an article called, Why am I writing a JavaScript toolchain in Zig? If I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably because you consumed too much expired cranberry sauce yesterday, but I’m no doctor.
The new React Aria release comes with new Accordion and Disclosure components, plus a few other goodies.
Kevin Grajeda wrote about a two-parameter approach to effortless spring UI animations
Adam Wathan gave a 45-minute talk at Laracon on Designing a Component Library, because apparently he has some experience with that.
Fernando Rojo wrote an article with a title that sounds like it could be the chorus of a Nine Inch Nails song: I learned React Native as a web developer, and I got everything wrong. “I focus on the pain, the only thing that’s real.” is a neat tool for visualizing JSON structures as dynamic tree diagrams.
Lord Tanner Linsley decreed that TanStack Start is ditching adapters.
Nolan Sullivan 撰写了 [Vitest vs. Vitest] 的全面细分。 Jest](帮助我为即将到来的事情做好准备幻想测试框架草案。是时候终于赢回我孩子的大学基金了。
Vite 6.0 只是出来了,我们将在下周写一份完整的细目。
StackBlitz 制作了这个 6 分钟的 YouTube 视频 [如何在您的 Bolt 中使用 Supabase.new应用程序]( aHR0chHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_YWJfY2hhbm5lbD1TdGFja0JsaXR6JnY9eVJsVnRYa0RTcDA=)以存储数据并验证用户身份。 [赞助]
injuly 写了一篇文章,名为 Why am I write a JavaScript toolchain in Zig?如果我有猜测一下,我想说这可能是因为你昨天吃了太多过期的蔓越莓酱,但我不是医生。
5.新的【反应咏叹调发布]( vo42nsl/aHR0chHM6Ly9yZWFjdC1zcGVjdHJ1bS5hZG9iZS5jb20vcmVsZWFzZXMvMjAyNC0xMS0yMC5odG1s)附带了新的 Accordion 和 Disclosure 组件,以及一些其他的好东西。
Kevin Grajeda 写了一篇关于[轻松 spring UI 的双参数方法动画]( lrz08ozbk/aHR0chHM6Ly93d3cua3Zpbi5tZS9wb3N0cy9lZmZvcnRsZXNzLXVpLXNwcmluZy1hbmltYXRpb25z)
Adam Wathan 在 Laracon 上做了 45 分钟的演讲,主题是 [Designing a Component库]( 0bg/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_YWJfY2hhbm5lbD1MYXJhdmVsJnY9TXJ6clNGYnhXN00=),因为显然他对此有一些经验。
Fernando Rojo 写了一篇文章,标题听起来像是九寸钉歌曲的副歌:我作为 Web 开发人员学习了 React Native,我得到了一切错误。 “我专注于痛苦,这是唯一真实的事情。”
Tanner Linsley 勋爵颁布法令 [TanStack Start 正在放弃适配器]( m/aHR0chHM6Ly90YW5zdGFjay5jb20vYmxvZy93aHktdGFuc3RhY2stc3RhcnQtaXMtZGl0Y2hpbmctYWRhcHRlcnM=)。