The JavaScript nerds on Bluesky are storming the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Sentry just shipped a bunch of new features that you probably won’t hate during Sentry Launch Week. Check out this short video to get the highlights and a chance to win some surprisingly good Sentry swag. [sponsored]
Some of the old Gatsby crew got back together to ship Mastra, a TypeScript AI framework “for the next million AI developers”.
And for the current million non AI developers, the TypeScript team just announced TypeScript 5.7.
The tailwind team just published Tailwind CSS v4.0-beta.1.
QA Wolf gets your team 80% automated E2E test coverage and delivers real results that traditional QA services can’t match. Their customers average 5x more releases, 15-minute QA cycles, and 9 hours of engineering time saved per engineer per week. [sponsored]
Sufian wrote about how the shadow DOM is in the front and the party is in the back, I assume.
React Router v7 just shipped which “brings everything you love about Remix back into React Router proper”.
Three developers who I know for a fact are very good at CSS discuss why we need better design tools on this edition of the Bad at CSS podcast.
Bluesky 上的 JavaScript 书呆子们正在[冲击美国专利和商标办公室]( pvf6/aHR0cHM6Ly9ic2t5LmFwcC9wcm9maWxlL3RpbnljbG91ZHMub3JnL3Bvc3QvM2xiajRkdWU0M2Mydg==)。
Sentry 刚刚发布了一系列新功能,您在 Sentry 发布周期间可能不会讨厌这些功能。看看这个[短视频]( tcGFpZ249Z2VuZXJhbC1meTI1cTQtbGF1bmNod2VlayZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1uZXdzbGV0dGVyLX JlY2FwLXdhdGNob2QmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1wYWlkLWNvbW11bml0eSZ1dG1fc291cmNlPXRsZHI=)获得亮点并有机会赢得一些令人惊讶的哨兵赠品。 [赞助]
一些旧的 Gatsby 团队重新聚在一起发布了 Mastra,这是一个“为下一个百万 AI 开发人员”打造的 TypeScript AI 框架。
对于当前数百万非 AI 开发人员,TypeScript 团队刚刚宣布 [TypeScript 5.7]( R0cHM6Ly9kZXZibG9ncy5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL3R5cGVzY3JpcHQvYW5ub3VuY2luZy10eXBlc2NyaXB0LTUtNy8=)。
Tailwind团队刚刚发布了【Tailwind CSS v4.0-beta.1](。
QA Wolf 让您的团队 [80% 自动化 E2E 测试覆盖范围]( 3b2xmLmNvbS8_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPUN1dFlvdXJRQUN5Y2xlczExMjIyMDI0JnV0bV9tZWRpdW09bmV3c2xldHRlciZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz)并提供传统 QA 服务无法比拟的真实结果。他们的客户平均每个工程师每周可以多发布 5 倍的版本、15 分钟的 QA 周期以及 9 小时的工程时间。 [赞助]
Sufian 写了关于 [shadow DOM 是如何在前面]( ig/aHR0chHM6Ly9hYnN0cmFjdC5wcm9wZXJ0aWVzL3RoZS1zaGFkb3ctZG9tLWlzLWluLXRoZS1mcm9udC5odG1s)我猜派对在后面。
React Router v7刚刚发货“将你喜欢的 Remix 的一切带回到 React Router 中”。
据我所知,三位非常擅长 CSS 的开发人员讨论了为什么我们需要更好的设计工具在此版本的坏处CSS 播客。