Steve (the CEO of dylibso, which created Extism) went on the WasmAssembly show to discuss building squishy Wasm apps using Extism.
If you’re up for some light trauma bonding, Abdisalan Mohamud wrote about The Tragedy of Running an Old Node Project.
Codecov just launched a new test analytics feature that separates flaky tests from legitimate failures and calls them out directly in the PR comment – so you know which tests to re-run locally or skip. [sponsored]
Aapo Alasuutari wrote a JavaScript engine using Rust called Nova. Winters must be really cold in Finland.
The Extism JS SDK lets you leverage Extism inside your JS apps and it works in all the major JS runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun, Cloudflare Workers).
Vercel released v4 of their AI SDK.
Instead of going to the pumpkin patch, Paul Hebert wrote an article about generating random mazes with Javascript. We all have our own ways of dealing with the big pumpkin industrial complex.
CarbonQA gives your team high-quality QA services that scale, with US-based testers who work directly alongside you in your tools (Slack, GitHub, Jira, Asana, etc.). They’ll break your app repeatedly and find all the errors for you, so your devs can focus on writing code 🙏. [sponsored]
If you enjoyed reading about Extism and want to join the charge to democratize Wasm, head over to their Github Repo and throw a star their way.
Thomas Günther wrote about a botox-free way to create beautiful focus outlines.
The most successful products are actually platforms, where end-users can build their own extensions to a system and bring new, uniquely valuable capabilities on their own. First, the software needs a programmable interface, and that’s where Extism comes in.
Every software product faces the challenge to keep up with customer feature requests, and Extism makes it possible and practical to give end-users the ability to make your software more useful for them. End-users need to be able to bring their own code and run it in your app, and Extism streamlines this so users can deploy code into your app in practically any language they like.
The bottom line is engineering teams shouldn’t be held back from building innovative features because they need to support “downloading dashboard analytics in CSV vs. JSON”.. no one likes doing that kind of feature work. Empower your users to do these kinds of things for themselves!
– Steve Manuel, CEO at dylibso
Built with ❤️ by uidotdev
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Steve(dylibso 的首席执行官,Extism 的创建者)在 WasmAssembly 节目中讨论了[构建柔软的 Wasm 应用程序]( 2F0Y2g_dj1nSlBZdnYxZmxKWQ==)使用Extism。
如果你想要一些轻微的创伤联系,Abdisalan Mohamud 写了一篇关于[运行旧节点项目的悲剧]( L3RyYWdlZHktcnVubmluZy1vbGQtbm9kZS1wcm9qZWN0)。
Codecov刚刚推出了新的[测试分析功能]( N0LWFuYWx5dGljcy8_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWNvZGVjb3YtZnkyNXE0LXRlc3RhbmFseXRpY3MmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9bmV3c2xldHRlci1nZW5lcmFsLWxlYXJubW9yZSZ1dG1fbWVka XVtPXBhaWQtY29tbXVuaXR5JnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXM=) 将不稳定的测试与合法的失败分开,并直接在 PR 评论中指出它们 - 所以您知道要在本地重新运行或跳过哪些测试。 [赞助]
Aapo Alasuutari 使用 Rust 编写了一个 JavaScript 引擎 称为 Nova。芬兰的冬天一定很冷。
Extism JS SDK允许您在JS应用程序中利用Extism,它适用于所有主要的JS运行时(Node、Deno、 Bun,Cloudflare 工作人员)。
Vercel 发布了 v4 的 AI SDK。
Paul Hebert 没有去南瓜地,而是写了一篇关于[用 Javascript 生成随机迷宫]( W5lcmF0aW5nLXJhbmRvbS1tYXplcy13aXRoLWphdmFzY3JpcHQv)。我们都有自己的方式来应对大型南瓜工业园区。
CarbonQA 为您的团队提供[可扩展的高质量 QA 服务]( pdHMmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9bm92MjAmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz),以及在您的工具中直接与您一起工作的美国测试人员(Slack 、GitHub、Jira、Asana 等)。他们会反复破坏您的应用程序并为您找到所有错误,以便您的开发人员可以专注于编写代码🙏。 [赞助]
如果您喜欢阅读有关 Extism 的文章,并希望加入到 Wasm 民主化的行列,请访问他们的 [Github Repo]( 20=) 并扔一颗星星他们的方式。
Thomas Günther 写了一种无肉毒杆菌的方法来创建[美丽的焦点轮廓]( cy9mb2N1cy1vdXRsaW5lcw==)。
最成功的产品实际上是平台,最终用户可以在平台上构建自己的系统扩展,并自行带来新的、独特的有价值的功能。首先,该软件需要一个可编程接口,这就是 Extism 的用武之地。
每个软件产品都面临着满足客户功能请求的挑战,而 Extism 使最终用户能够使您的软件对他们更有用成为可能且切实可行。最终用户需要能够携带自己的代码并在您的应用程序中运行它,而 Extism 简化了这一过程,以便用户几乎可以用他们喜欢的任何语言将代码部署到您的应用程序中。
最重要的是,工程团队不应因为需要支持“以 CSV 与 JSON 格式下载仪表板分析”而阻止构建创新功能。没有人喜欢做此类功能工作。授权您的用户自己做这些事情!
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