The Million team just released React Scan, which scans your React app for problematic renders and highlights the exact components you need to fix.
Lucas Unietis is hosting a live Retool demo where you’ll build a custom client portal in 30 minutes. You’ll walk away with a functional, end-to-end app that has a home screen for users, custom login pages and onboarding flows, and other slick features. [sponsored]
Roman Komarov wrote about a new technique for fit-to-width text, which he describes as “hacky but possible.” Put that on my tombstone.
Ryan Dahl and Andy Jiang wrote about how recent upgrades to deno compile
allow you to compile complete applications directly to native binaries.
React v19rc1 introduced a new sibling pre-rendering feature that settles the Suspense drama with library maintainers from earlier this year. And with that, TkDodo can finally rest.
Shiki v1.23 comes with a few big updates for the powerful syntax highlighter, including a new JavaScript engine that supports more languages.
Manifest describes itself as “a backend so simple that it fits in a single YAML file” – and yes, that does sound exactly like the punchline of a Yo’ Momma joke from 2006.
Unlayer provides embeddable content creation tools for SaaS, so you can give your users a drag-n-drop builder to create emails, web pages, or popups. Teams at Netflix, Fidelity, and 1,000+ other companies use Unlayer to build content features faster, and save an average of 52% on dev and maintenance costs. [sponsored]
Chrome DevRel lead, Paul Kinlan dared to ask the question, Will we care about frameworks in the future? If not, some of y’all are gonna need to adopt new personalities real quick.
Anchoreum is a game for learning CSS anchor positioning where you work as a “volunteer” at the third-largest anchor museum in the world. But that’s not super realistic, since we all know it’s impossible to get an anchor museum internship without a glowing letter of recommendation from your local senator.
Build fully functional applications in minutes, not months
function p1() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => reject("Error in p1"), 1000);
}).catch((error) => {
function p2() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("p2 resolved"), 1000);
function pAll() {
Promise.all([p2(), p1()])
.then((results) => {
console.log("All data resolved:", results);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error resolving data:", error);
First, Error in p1
is logged, then [ 'p2 resolved', undefined ]
is logged. Since p1 catches the rejection, it doesn’t propagate to the Promise.all
catch handler allowing p2
to resolve. But, since p1
doesn’t return anything, its result is undefined
Built with ❤️ by uidotdev
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Million 团队刚刚发布了 React Scan,它会扫描您的 React 应用程序是否存在有问题的渲染和突出显示您需要修复的确切组件。
Lucas Unietis 正在举办 [现场 Retool 演示,您将在 30 天内构建自定义客户端门户分钟](。您将获得一个功能齐全的端到端应用程序,该应用程序具有用户主屏幕、自定义登录页面和入门流程以及其他流畅的功能。 [赞助]
Roman Komarov 撰写了一种适合宽度文本的新技术,他将其描述为“虽然有点老套,但还是有可能的。”把它放在我的墓碑上。
Ryan Dahl 和 Andy Jiang 撰写了有关“denocompile”的最新升级如何允许您[将完整的应用程序直接编译为本机二进制文件]( rk42o0kcl/aHR0chM6Ly9kZW5vLmNvbS9ibG9nL2Rlbm8tY29tcGlsZS1leGVjdXRhYmxlLXByb2dyYW1z)。
React v19rc1引入了新的[兄弟预渲染功能]( R0chHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2ZhY2Vib29rL3JlYWN0L2lzc3Vlcy8yOTg5OCNpc3N1ZWNvbW1lbnQtMjQ3NzQ0OTk3Mw==)这解决了今年早些时候与图书馆维护者之间的悬念。至此,TkDodo 终于可以休息了。
6.【志木v1.23](第563章强大的语法荧光笔进行了一些重大更新,包括支持更多语言的新 JavaScript 引擎。
Manifest将自己描述为“一个非常简单的后端,适合单个 YAML 文件”——是的,这听起来确实很准确就像 2006 年“Yo’ Momma”笑话的妙语一样。
Unlayer 提供了 SaaS 的嵌入式内容创建工具,因此您可以为您的用户提供拖放构建器来创建电子邮件、网页或弹出窗口。 Netflix、Fidelity 和其他 1,000 多家公司的团队使用 Unlayer 更快地构建内容功能,并平均节省 52% 的开发和维护成本。 [赞助]
Chrome DevRel 负责人 Paul Kinlan 敢于提出这样的问题:[我们会关心未来?]( aHR0CHM6Ly9wYXVsLmtpbmxhbi5tZS93aWxsLXdlLWNhcmUtYWJvdXQtZnJhbWV3b3Jrcy1pbi10aGUtZnV0dXJlLw==)如果没有,你们中的一些人将需要尽快采用新的个性。
Anchoreum是一款学习CSS主播定位的游戏,你可以在第三大主播博物馆当“志愿者” 在世界上。但这并不是“超级”现实,因为我们都知道,如果没有当地参议员的热情洋溢的推荐信,就不可能获得主力博物馆的实习机会。
function p1() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => reject("Error in p1"), 1000);
}).catch((error) => {
function p2() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("p2 resolved"), 1000);
function pAll() {
Promise.all([p2(), p1()])
.then((results) => {
console.log("All data resolved:", results);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error resolving data:", error);
首先,记录 Error in p1
,然后记录 [ 'p2 returned', undefined ]
。由于 p1 捕获了拒绝,因此它不会传播到“Promise.all”捕获处理程序,从而允许“p2”解析。但是,由于“p1”不返回任何内容,因此其结果是“undefined”。
使用 ❤️ 由 uidotdev 构建
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 盐湖城,犹他州 84101