Jake Lazaroff dared to answer the one burning question all the pundits are asking after this election – What’s a Single Page App?
Oso is hosting a free deep dive on How Google handles Authorization at scale. You’ll learn how Google built its own relationship-based authorization system called Zanzibar, plus the key tradeoffs of building a system like this for your own application vs. using an Authorization as a Service like Oso. [sponsored]
Sunil Pai just released a new project called Shwarma, which he described as “a little evening spike.” But the last time he said that about one of his projects we ended up with a CSS-in-JS epidemic, so I’d approach with caution.
Nuxt just added support for rspack in v3.14, and Rust stans stay winning.
Sarah Guthals wrote this in-depth guide to debugging microservices and distributed systems for the Sentry blog. It explores why we’ve seen a shift from monolithic architectures to microservices, why it’s harder to debug microsystems, and how to do it better. [sponsored]
Ben Grant wrote a 2-part article on the Bun blog about how Bun supports V8 APIs without using the V8 engine.
Nikhil Suresh wrote a plea for help fun article called, Get me out of data hell. I’m pretty sure I saw Nate Silver wearing a t-shirt that said the exact same thing last week.
A Map of Sync shares what Sujay Jayakar learned from 10+ years of working on sync at Dropbox plus his current work to extend Convex’s sync engine for better offline support. [sponsored]
React Navigation 7.0 comes with a new static API that simplifies configuration and makes it easier to work with TypeScript and deep linking.
Elliot Levin wrote about how WebSockets cost his team $1m on their AWS bill. For the record, I would also like to blame WebSockets for the ~$1m bill I just racked up taking my family to Disneyland this week.
Jake Lazaroff 敢于回答这次选举后所有专家提出的一个紧迫问题 - [什么是单页应用程序?](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/x0hph3uw52prl7f5/aHR0cHM6Ly9qYWtlbGF6YXJvZmYuY29tL3 dvcmRzL3doYXRzLWEtc2luZ2xlLXBhZ2UtYXBwLw==)
Oso 正在举办免费深入探讨 [Google 如何大规模处理授权](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/6qhehou7mr5kdpbo/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3NvaHEuY29tL3dlYmluYXItZ29vZ2xlLWF1dGhvc ml6YXRpb24tYXQtc2NhbGU_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXphbnppYmFyJTIwd2ViaW5hciZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1ieXRlcyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPW5ld3NsZXR0ZXImdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1wYWlk)。您将了解 Google 如何构建自己的基于关系的授权系统(称为 Zanzibar),以及为您自己的应用程序构建此类系统与使用 Oso 等授权即服务的关键权衡。 [赞助]
Sunil Pai 刚刚发布了一个名为 Shwarma 的新项目,他将其描述为“晚上有一点高峰。”但上次他说他的一个项目最终导致了 [CSS-in-JS 流行病](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/25h2h9u2k98ve4b3/aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL3RocmVlcG9pbnRvbmUvZ2xhbQ== ),所以我’ d 谨慎接近。
Nuxt 刚刚在 v3.14 中添加了对 rspack 的支持,Rust 斯坦仍然获胜。
Sarah Guthals 写了这篇[调试微服务和分布式系统的深入指南](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/g3hnhwu349ldkxsr/aHR0cHM6Ly9zZW50cnkuaW8vcmVzb3VyY2VzL2RlYnVnZ2luZy1 TAWNyb3NlcnZpY2VzLWFuZC1kaXN0cmlidXRlZC1zeXN0ZW1zLz91dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249ZGVidWdnYWJpbGl0eS1meTI1cTMtbWljcm9zZXJ2aWNlcyZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1uZXdzbG V0dGVyLWJ5dGVzcHJpbWFyeS1uYSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXBhaWQtY29tbXVuaXR5JnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXM=) 用于哨兵博客。它探讨了为什么我们看到从整体架构到微服务的转变,为什么调试微系统更困难,以及如何做得更好。 [赞助]
Ben Grant 在 Bun 博客上写了一篇关于 [Bun 如何在不使用 V8 引擎的情况下支持 V8 API] 的两部分文章(https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/9qhzhdupow6ql4c9/aHR0cHM6Ly9idW4uc2gvYmxvZy9ob3ctYnVuLXN1cHBv cnRzLXY4LWFwaXMtd2l0aG91dC11c2luZy12OC1wYXJ0LTI=)。
Nikhil Suresh 写了一篇求助有趣的文章,名为[让我摆脱数据地狱](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/3ohphdu7em2on0ir/aHR0cHM6Ly9sdWRpYy5tYXRhcm9hLmJsb2cvYmxvZy9nZXQt bWUtb3V0LW9mLWRhdGEtaGVsbC8=)。我很确定上周我看到 Nate Silver 穿着一件 T 恤,上面写着完全相同的内容。
同步地图 分享 Sujay Jayakar 从 1 学到的东西在 Dropbox 从事同步工作 0 多年,加上他目前致力于扩展 Convex 的工作同步引擎提供更好的离线支持。 [赞助]
[反应导航7.0](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/48hvh7ur4lp5n8ux/aHR0cHM6Ly9yZWFjdG5hdmlnYXRpb24ub3JnL2Jsb2cvMjAyNC8xMS8wNi9yZWFjd C1uYXZpZ2F0aW9uLTcuMC8=) 附带了一个新的静态 API,可简化配置并使其更轻松地使用 TypeScript 和深度链接。
Elliot Levin 写了一篇关于 [WebSockets 如何让他的团队花费 100 万美元的 AWS 账单](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/gkuxlmxr8ec5hd22odgs3u8nol999bm/wnh2h6uwe7k53ph7/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVjYWxsLmFpL3Bvc3QvaG93LXdlYn NvY2tldHMtY29zdC11cy0xbS1vbi1vdXItYXdzLWJpbGw=)。郑重声明,我还想将本周带家人去迪士尼乐园花费的大约 100 万美元的账单归咎于 WebSockets。