The Angular team is overhauling their style guide for the first time since 2016, and they’re asking for your feedback. So get out there and vote today for the Angular you want your children to inherit.
Luis Ball wrote this step-by-step guide to using Shadcn UI without a Tailwind config file.
Snyk is hosting a free virtual workshop on how to create a powerful security champions program for your team. It’ll cover strategies on identifying leaders, fostering collaboration, and driving security excellence. [sponsored]
The Cloudflare blog wrote this quick primer on What is HTTP/3? Turns out, it’s more than just a super cute baby name.
Sujay Jayakar wrote this in-depth article called A Map of Sync based on his 10+ years of work on sync at Dropbox and his recent work to extend Convex’s sync engine for better offline support. But besides that, I’m not really sure what his qualifications are.
The Expression Statement blog wrote this article on how HTML Form Validation is heavily underused.
Neon just announced that their free tier now comes with 10 free Postgres databases. And you get access to features like autoscaling and branching designed to help you ship faster – no credit card required. [sponsored]
Jason Miller spoke at ViteConf about the lessons learned from migrating Shopify’s largest frontend codebase to Vite. Lesson #1: please stop calling it Feet Conf.
Irvin Zhan wrote about how headless components became the future for building UI libraries.
Alex Danilowicz and Teddy Ni created this Chrome extension that lets you convert a snippet from any website into a React component. I can’t wait to see the reaction video on YouTube about how this is going to take my job.
The answer is 65. MDN explains “Non-strict functions that are passed rest, default, or destructured parameters will not sync new values assigned to parameters in the function body with the arguments object.”
If we remove the default parameters we get a different answer:
function calculateTotalCost(mealCost, taxRate, tip) {
arguments[1] = 0.15;
arguments[2] = arguments[2] + 5;
let totalCost = mealCost + mealCost * taxRate + tip;
return totalCost;
let total = calculateTotalCost(50, undefined, 10);
The answer with no default params is 72.5
+ 7.5
+ 15
Built with ❤️ by uidotdev
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Angular 团队正在[彻底修改他们的风格指南]( y81ODQxMg==)自 2016 年以来首次,他们正在寻求您的反馈。因此,今天就出去投票支持您希望您的孩子继承的 Angular。
Luis Ball 编写了[在没有 Tailwind 配置文件的情况下使用 Shadcn UI]的分步指南( hhZGNuLXVpLXdpdGgtdGFpbHdpbmQtdjQ =)。
Snyk 正在举办免费虚拟研讨会,主题为[如何创建强大的安全冠军计划]( bS5odG1sP3V0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj1kbV9wcC1ieXRlcy1hZHZlcnRpc2VyLTI0MTEwNC13Ym5fMjQxMTE5X3Nlyy1jaGFtcGlvbnMtcHJvZ3JhbSZ1dG1fY29udGVudD13Ym5fMjQxMTE5 X3NlYy1jaGFtcGlvbnMtcHJvZ3JhbSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtLXBhJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXMtYWR2ZXJ0aXNlcg==) 为您的团队。它将涵盖识别领导者、促进协作和推动卓越安全的策略。 [赞助]
Cloudflare 博客在 [什么是 HTTP/3?]( 上撰写了这篇快速入门文章Zm9ybWFuY2Uvd2hhdC1pcy1odHRwMy8=) 原来,这不仅仅是一个超级可爱的宝宝名字。
Sujay Jayakar 撰写了这篇名为 [同步地图]( =) 基于他在 Dropbox 10 多年的同步工作以及他最近的工作是扩展 Convex 的同步引擎以获得更好的离线支持。但除此之外,我不太确定他的资格是什么。
Expression Statement博客写了这篇文章,介绍[HTML表单验证严重未得到充分利用]( WZvcm0tdmFsaWRhdGlvbi1pcy1oZWF2aWx5LXVuZGVydXNlZA==)。
Neon 刚刚宣布他们的免费套餐现在附带 10 个免费 Postgres 数据库。您还可以使用自动扩展和分支等功能,旨在帮助您更快地发货——无需信用卡。 [赞助]
Jason Miller 在 ViteConf 上谈到[将 Shopify 最大的前端代码库迁移到 Vite 的经验教训]( Y2g_YWJfY2hhbm5lbD1WaXRlQ29uZiZ2PVljVDJ5UDBubW0w)。第 1 课:请停止称其为“脚部会议”。
Irvin Zhan 写了关于[无头组件如何成为构建 UI 库的未来]( WRsZXNzLWNvbXBvbmVudHMtYmVjYW1lLXRoZS1mdXR1cmUtZm9yLWJ1aWxkaW5nLXVpLWxpYnJhcmllcw==)。
Alex Danilowicz 和 Teddy Ni 创建了 [此 Chrome 扩展程序]( 9odG1sLXRvLXJlYWN0LWZpZ21hLWJ5LW1hL2NoZ2VoZ2htaGdpaGdtcG1kanBvbGhrY25oa29rZGZwP2F1dGh1c2VyPTAmaGw9ZW4mcGxpPTE=) 可让您将任何网站的代码片段转换为 React 组件。我迫不及待地想在 YouTube 上看到关于这将如何夺走我的工作的反应视频。
答案是 65。MDN 解释说“传递剩余参数、默认参数或解构参数的非严格函数不会将分配给函数体中的参数的新值与参数对象同步。”
function calculateTotalCost(mealCost, taxRate, tip) {
arguments[1] = 0.15;
arguments[2] = arguments[2] + 5;
let totalCost = mealCost + mealCost * taxRate + tip;
return totalCost;
let total = calculateTotalCost(50, undefined, 10);
使用 ❤️ 构建,作者:uidotdev
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 盐湖城,犹他州 84101