Samuel wrote about some changes their team is making to BlueSky’s React Native app to make it feel more native. Who could’ve guessed that the secret was just to make the borders thinner.
Reaper from the Preact team wrote about how to simplify your islands architecture using nothing but a folder structure, a webpack config, and three pouches of Zyn your own ingenuity.
Oso is hosting a free deep dive on How Google handles Authorization at scale. You’ll learn how Google built its own relationship-based authorization system called Zanzibar, plus the key tradeoffs of building a system like this for your own application vs. using an Authorization as a Service like Oso. [sponsored]
Brandon Roberts added support for Web Sockets to Analog, the full-stack Angular framework. I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to give Angular devs this much power, but that’s for the gods to decide.
Geoff Graham wrote about unleashing the power of scroll driven animations on the recently resurrected CSS Tricks blog. Welcome back, old friend.
The Cloudflare team published a blog post about “fragment piercing” and “micro frontends”. I was very relieved to find that it did not include any references to Prince Albert.
NativeWind just released v4.1 of its library that lets you use Tailwind CSS in React Native.
Maxime Heckel wrote an in-depth article about crafting painterly shaders. Every time I read their blog, I walk away thinking that I should really learn what shaders are.
Ahmad Alfy wrote a post about how to link to specific content on a page using text fragments.
Dev Agrawal created Solid Socket, an experimental new library that brings signals to WebSockets. I’m still waiting for him to publish Solid-Pocket
and finally bring signals into the Polly Pocket cinematic universe.
Samuel 写了[他们的团队对 BlueSky 的 React Native 应用程序进行的一些更改]( zMnc=) 让它感觉更原生。谁能想到,秘密只是让边框变得更薄。
Preact 团队的 Reaper 写了关于[如何简化岛屿架构]( bmRzLWFyY2gv)只使用文件夹结构、webpack 配置和三个袋子Zyn 是你自己的聪明才智。
Oso 正在举办免费深入探讨 [Google 如何大规模处理授权]( Ghvcml6YXRpb24tYXQtc2NhbGU_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXphbnppYmFyJTIwd2ViaW5hciZ1dG1fY29udGVudD1ieXRlcyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPW5ld3NSZXR0ZXImdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1wYWlk )。您将了解 Google 如何构建自己的基于关系的授权系统(称为 Zanzibar),以及为您自己的应用程序构建此类系统与使用 Oso 等授权即服务的关键权衡。 [赞助]
Brandon Roberts [添加了对 Web Sockets 的支持]( ja2V0cw==),全栈 Angular 框架。我不确定赋予 Angular 开发者如此大的权力是个好主意,但这要由诸神来决定。
Geoff Graham 写了一篇关于[释放滚动驱动动画的力量]( dlci1vZi1zY3JvbGwtZHJpdmVuLWFuaW1hdGlvbnMv) 在最近复活的 CSS Tricks 博客上。欢迎回来,老朋友。
Cloudflare 团队发表了一篇关于[“片段穿透”和“微前端”]( WdtZW50LXBpZXJjaW5nLw==)。我很欣慰地发现它没有提及阿尔伯特亲王。
[NativeWind刚刚发布v4.1]( QtbmF0aXZld2luZC12NC0x) 的库,可让您在 React Native 中使用 Tailwind CSS。
Maxime Heckel 写了一篇关于[制作绘画着色器]的深入文章( tY3JhZnRpbmctcGFpbnRlcmx5LXNoYWRlcnMv)。每次我读他们的博客时,我都会想我应该真正了解着色器是什么。
Ahmad Alfy 写了一篇关于[如何使用文本片段链接到页面上的特定内容]的文章( 5nLWRpcmVjdGx5LXRvLXdlYi1wYWdlLWNvbnRlbnQuaHRtbA==)。
Dev Agrawal 创建了 [Solid 套接字]( XQ=),一个实验性新库,可为 WebSocket 带来信号。我还在等待他出版《Solid-Pocket》并最终将信号带入Polly Pocket电影宇宙。