Fernando Cardenas wrote an article called That’s not an abstraction, that’s just a layer of indirection – which just so happens to be the title of my favorite Japanese game show.
Turso just announced Vegas Blackout, which lets you remove one full day of usage per month for any reason 🔮. Just in case your app accidentally reads a trillion rows one day and starts sending your next bill to the moon – or you got DDoS’d by the Blue Man Group after refusing to pay them for that private show they gave you at Circus Circus. Turso doesn’t judge, they just forgive. [sponsored]
Expo Router v4 is now in Beta with new features like DOM components, streaming fetch, and a life-sized Lego Superman built from scratch.
Dave Rupert wrote about where Web Components shine, and yes, the article has more than 3 sentences.
Netlify joined the “Open Next” initiative along with Cloudflare, SST and others in their quest to take down the ▲ empire. Billion-dollar corporations are so cute when they fight.
Sengun Adebayo released Chakra UI v3.
JetBrains just made WebStorm free for non-commercial use. This is probably not great news if you’re sick of being told to “use a real IDE”.
Brian Morrison wrote a very in-depth guide on the Expo blog on How to build a daily workout tracker from scratch with Expo, Clerk, and Convex. [sponsored]
React Native released a new architecture that enables both synchronous and asynchronous rendering.
Sebastian Markbåge wrote about the Next.js team’s journey with caching. The story gets pretty weird after the hobbits leave the shire and run into a data fetching issue on the server the size of Tom Bombadil.
Fernando Cardenas 写了一篇文章,名为[这不是一个抽象,这只是一个间接层](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/vqh3hmupz47lgztg/aHR0cHM6Ly9maHVyLm1lL3Bvc3RzLzIwMjQvdG hhdHMtbm90LWFuLWFic3RyYWN0aW9u) – 这恰好是标题我最喜欢的日本游戏节目。
Turso 刚刚宣布 Vegas Blackout,它可以让您以任何理由取消每月一整天的使用 🔮。以防万一您的应用程序有一天意外读取一万亿行并开始向月球发送下一张账单 - 或者您在拒绝为蓝人集团在 Circus Circus 为您提供的私人表演付费后受到 DDoS 攻击。图尔索不会评判,他们只会原谅。 [赞助]
Expo Router v4 [现已推出Q==)具有 DOM 组件、流式获取和真人大小的乐高超人从头开始构建。
Dave Rupert 写了关于 [Web 组件的亮点](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/e0hph0u08eg64xb8/aHR0cHM6Ly9kYXZlcnVwZXJ0LmNvbS8yMDI0LzEwL3N1cGVyLXdlYi 1jb21wb25lbnRzLXN1bnNoaW5lLw==),是的,这篇文章有超过3句话。
Netlify [加入“Open Next”计划](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/7qh7h2uor87q3vsz/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV0bGlmeS5jb20vYmxvZy9uZXRsaWZ5LWpvaW 5zLW9wZW5uZXh0Lw==) 与 Cloudflare、SST 和其他人一起寻求推翻▲帝国。十亿大企业打架的时候真是太可爱了。
Sengun Adebayo 发布 [Chakra UI v3](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/owkhwur2nvp5kuv/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2hha3JhLXVpLmNvbS9ibG9nLzAwLWFubm91bmNpbm ctdjM=)。
JetBrains 刚刚制作了 WebStorm [免费用于非商业用途](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/z2hgh7u3q7vn0kip/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamV0YnJhaW5zLmNvbS93ZWJzdG9ybS8 =)。如果您厌倦了被告知“使用真正的 IDE”,这可能不是什么好消息。
Brian Morrison 在 Expo 博客上写了一篇关于 [如何从头开始构建每日锻炼追踪器] 的非常深入的指南(https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/p8hehquznd0m8dsq/aHR0cHM6Ly9nby5jbGVyay5jb20vOUxVc0IxOA==)与 Expo、Clerk 和 Convex 合作。 [赞助]
React Native发布【新架构】(https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/x0hph3uw5z6oxdf5/aHR0cHM6Ly9yZWFjdG5hdGl2ZS5kZXYvYmxvZy8yMDI0LzEwLzIzL3RoZS1u ZXctYXJjaGl0ZWN0dXJlLWlzLWhlcmU=),支持同步和异步渲染。
Sebastian Markbåge 撰写了有关 Next.js 团队的[缓存之旅](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/lmum72m06kbmh0pwq88tgu80onv00cg/6qhehou7mwgz0dao/aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXh0anMub3JnL2Jsb2cvb3VyLWpvdXJu ZXktd2l0aC1jYWNoaW5n)。在霍比特人离开郡并在汤姆·邦巴迪尔大小的服务器上遇到数据获取问题后,故事变得非常奇怪。