Next.js 15 RC 2 comes with async request APIs, enhanced security for Server Actions, a static route indicator, and lots more.
Jam built a slick browser extension for creating one-click bug reports. It lets you take a screenshot or video of the issue, then it generates a link to share with your team that automatically adds diagnostic info like the device & browser used, console logs, network logs, and repro steps. It’s surprisingly painless. [sponsored]
Josh Wontoon wrote 5,000 words and created a bunch of interactive visuals to tell us about how his experience building drag to select functionality for his company’s app was “harder than he thought it would be.” His pain is our gain.
Thorsten Ball wrote about How he uses git.
Node.js 23 just came out with support for loading ES modules with require()
because miracles still happen.
Yusuke Wada, wrote an article on The story of Hono. Besides being the creator of Hono, I’m not sure exactly what qualifies him to write this article, but it’s a good read.
QA Wolf writes hundreds of tests for your product in Playwright, maintains those tests as your product scales, and provides the infra to let you run 100% of your test suite in parallel. They’re like little magic testing fairies that’ll make sure you never ship another bug to prod, while drastically speeding up your QA cycles. [sponsored]
openai-realtime-api is a TypeScript client for OpenAI’s realtime voice API. It’s comforting to know that my knock-off version of Cameo with AI-voiced “celebrities” will be type safe now 🙏.
Framer wrote about how their new update makes Framer sites become interactive 50% faster.
Number Flow is a new React component that lets you transition, format, and localize numbers in a cool way that will make people think, “You know what, we really shouldn’t have bullied that kid so much in middle school. Look at how smoothly the numbers transition in the app he built.”
Next.js 15 RC 2附带异步请求API,增强服务器操作的安全性、静态路由指示器等等。
Jam 构建了[一个用于创建一键错误报告的灵活浏览器扩展]( XRlcyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXBhaWRfZW1haWwmdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1uZXdzbGV0dGVy)。它可以让您拍摄问题的屏幕截图或视频,然后生成一个链接与您的团队共享,该链接会自动添加诊断信息,例如使用的设备和浏览器、控制台日志、网络日志和重现步骤。令人惊讶的是,它无痛。 [赞助]
Josh Wontoon 写了 5,000 字并创建了一堆交互式视觉效果,告诉我们他如何构建[拖动选择功能]( b20vcmVhY3QtZHJhZy10by1zZWxlY3Q=) 为他公司的应用程序“比他想象的要难”。他的痛苦就是我们的收获。
Thorsten Ball 写了[他如何使用 git]( 11c2UtZ2l0)。
[Node.js 23]( ktZmVhdHVyZXMtYW5kLWVuaGFuY2VtZW50) 刚刚推出支持使用 require()
加载 ES 模块,因为奇迹仍然会发生。
Yusuke Wada,写了一篇关于[Hono的故事]的文章( i13ZWItZnJhbWV3b3JrLWhvbm8tZnJvbS10aGUtY3JlYXRvci1vZi1ob25vLw==)。除了作为 Hono 的创造者之外,我不确定他到底有什么资格写这篇文章,但这是一篇很好的读物。
QA Wolf 在 Playwright 中为您的产品编写了 [数百个测试](\_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPUN 1dFlvdXJRQUN5Y2xlczEwMTcyMDI0JnV0bV9tZWRpdW09bmV3c2xldHRlciZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz),随着您的产品扩展而维护这些测试,并提供基础设施让您并行运行 100% 的测试套件。它们就像神奇的测试小精灵,可以确保您永远不会向产品发送另一个错误,同时大大加快您的 QA 周期。 [赞助]
[openai-realtime-api]( Wx0aW1lLWFwaQ==) 是 OpenAI 实时语音 API 的 TypeScript 客户端。令人欣慰的是,我的带有人工智能语音“名人”的 Cameo 山寨版现在将是类型安全的🙏。
Framer 写了[他们的新更新如何使 Framer 网站的交互速度提高 50%]( dGVyYWN0aXZlLWZhc3Rlci8=)。
Number Flow是一个新的React组件,可让您进行转换、格式化和本地化以一种很酷的方式来表达数字,让人们思考” “你知道吗,我们真的不应该在中学时这么欺负那个孩子。看看他构建的应用程序中的数字转换有多顺畅。”