Baldur Bjarnason wrote a long article on the parallel evolution of React and Web Components, in light of the most recent culture war. It’s designed to help us all “look past the a**holes to see the forest” – which is valuable advice for both evaluating web dev arguments and hiking near your local nudist campground.
Structs is a Stage-1 JavaScript proposal for a new low-level feature that would enable developers to run multi-threaded JavaScript.
Unlayer provides embeddable content creation tools for SaaS, so you can give your users a drag-n-drop builder to create emails, web pages, or popups. Teams at Netflix, Fidelity, and 1,000+ other companies use Unlayer to build content features faster and save an average of 52% on dev and maintenance costs. [sponsored]
bobae kang wrote about Serverless servers and the challenge of new React architecture.
And right on cue, Christoffer Artmann wrote about how React on the server is not PHP. And if you say that it is PHP, that’s because you’re just a nerd and a bully.
KaibanJS JavaScript-native framework for building and managing multi-agent systems with a Kanban-inspired approach.
Zustand v5 just came out with no new major features and a smooth upgrade from v4. How boring of you, Daishi.
solid-events is a set of primitives for declarative event composition and state derivation for SolidJS, similar to RxJS.
Font sensei is a Google fonts picker categorized by tag names. And remember, there is no fear in this font dojo.
Sam wrote about Node.js, pipes, and disappearing bytes. Excuse me sir, but is that a threat?
Baldur Bjarnason 写了一篇关于 [React 和 Web Components 的并行演变] 的长文( tvdnMtZ3VuLw==),鉴于最近的文化战争。它旨在帮助我们所有人“透过缝隙看到森林”——这对于评估网络开发论点和在当地的裸体主义者露营地附近徒步旅行都是有价值的建议。
Structs 是一个新的低结构的 Stage-1 JavaScript 提案level 功能使开发人员能够运行多线程 JavaScript 。
Unlayer 提供用于 SaaS 的嵌入式内容创建工具,因此您可以为用户提供拖放式构建器创建电子邮件、网络页面或弹出窗口。 Netflix、Fidelity 和其他 1,000 多家公司的团队使用 Unlayer 更快地构建内容功能,并平均节省 52% 的开发和维护成本。 [赞助]
bobae kang 写了一篇关于[无服务器服务器和新React架构的挑战]( zZXJ2ZXJzLWFuZC10aGUtY2hhbGxlbmdlLW9mLW5ldy1yZWFjdC1hcmNoaXRlY3R1cmUv)。
就在此时,Christoffer Artmann 写了如何[服务器上的 React 不是 PHP]( bi10aGUtc2VydmVyLWlzLW5vdC1waHA=)。如果你说它是 PHP,那是因为你只是一个书呆子和恶霸。
KaibanJS JavaScript 原生框架,用于使用看板构建和管理多代理系统受启发的方法。
[Zustand v5]( 2NS4wLjA=) 刚刚发布,没有新的主要功能,从 v4 平滑升级。大石,你真无聊。
solid-events是一组用于声明的原语SolidJS 的主动事件组合和状态推导,类似于 RxJS。
Font sensei是一个按标签名称分类的Google字体选择器。请记住,在这个字体道场中没有恐惧。
Sam 撰写了有关 [Node.js、管道和消失字节]( kb3V0LWRpc2FwcGVhcmluZy1ieXRlcw==)。对不起,先生,但这算是威胁吗?