Leerob made this 45-minute video about self-hosting Next.js because he is tired of hearing you make all those jokes about Vercel being “the lock-in mafia.”
And because I’m just tired in general, I made this interactive deep dive on Why, When, and How React renders.
Cloudflare, Jam, and a bunch of other SaaS companies came together to create the Dev Starter Pack, which is basically a bunch of SaaS discounts for startups.
Securing Node.js Express APIs with Clerk and React is an in-depth guide that shows you how to implement authentication in Node.js, so you can make sure your APIs are always secure and reliable. [sponsored]
Bad at CSS is a podcast for you, yes you. Your mother and I have been meaning to talk to you about your incompetence with CSS. Please get help, it’s hurting the family.
Joel Gustafson wrote this introduction to causal logs. Wtf are those? Don’t worry, I have the perfect blog post for you.
Lazar Nikolov and Sarah Guthals are hosting a free workshop on Implementing Clean Architecture in Next.js. It will dive deep into what clean architecture *actually* is, what problems it solves, and how to implement it in a Next.js application with Sentry. [sponsored]
Aral Roca created Brisa, an experimental full-stack framework that lets you mix JSX, Server Components, and Server Actions with Web Components – like some sort of forbidden cocktail destined to make everyone angry.
The legend himself, Tanner “I contribute more to your company codebase than you do” Linsley went on Syntax to chat about the future of React (TanStack Start).
Kush Pandya wrote about how two malicious npm packages facilitate data theft and destruction. Always nice to have a little bit of nightmare-fuel reading before bed.
Leerob 制作了这个关于 [自托管 Next.js](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/38u3l732zwhkho82d8wcpu4n98pnns7/08hwhgud6eo73psl/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g\_dj1zSVZMNEp NcVJmYw==) 因为他厌倦了听你讲那些笑话关于 Vercel 是“锁定黑手党”。
因为我只是累了,所以我对 [为什么、何时和如何 React 渲染](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/38u3l732zwhkho82d8wcpu4n98pnns7/8ghqh3ul6d05m8tk/aHR0cHM6Ly91aS5kZXYvd2h5LXJlYWN0LXJlbmRl cnM_cz1ieXRlcw= =)。
Cloudflare、Jam 和其他一些 SaaS 公司共同创建了 Dev Starter Pack,这基本上是一堆初创公司的 SaaS 折扣。
使用 Clerk 和 React 确保 Node.js Express API 的安全 是一个深入指南,向您展示如何实现身份验证在节点中.js,因此您可以确保您的 API 始终安全可靠。 [赞助]
Bad at CSS是一个为你准备的播客,是的,你。你妈妈和我一直想和你谈谈你对 CSS 的无能。请寻求帮助,这会伤害家人。
Joel Gustafson 写了这篇[因果日志简介](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/38u3l732zwhkho82d8wcpu4n98pnns7/dphehmu09647poim/aHR0cHM6Ly9qb2VsZ3VzdGFmc29uLmNvbS9wb3N0cy8yMDI0LTA5L TMwL2ludHJvZHVjdGlvbi10by1jYXVzYWwtbG9ncw==)。那些是什么?别担心,我有一篇完美的博客文章适合您。
Lazar Nikolov 和 Sarah Guthals 正在举办关于 [在 Next.js 中实现简洁架构] 的免费研讨会(https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/38u3l732zwhkho82d8wcpu4n98pnns7/e0hph0u03vpnref8/aHR0cHM6Ly9zZW50cnkuaW8vcmVzb3VyY2VzL2NsZ WFuLWFyY2hpdGVjdHVyZS1uZXh0anMvP3V0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj1kZWJ1Z2dhYmlsaXR5LWZ5MjVxMy1jbGVhbmFyY2hpdGVjdHVyZXdvcmtzaG9wJnV0bV9jb250ZW50PW5ld3N sZXR0ZXItbGF6YXItcnN2cCZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXBhaWQtY29tbXVuaXR5JnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXM=)。它将深入探讨什么是干净的架构**实际上**、它解决了哪些问题,以及如何使用 Sentry 在 Next.js 应用程序中实现它。 [赞助]
Aral Roca 创建了 Brisa,一个允许您混合 JSX 的实验性全栈框架,服务器组件和带有 Web 组件的服务器操作 –就像某种注定会让每个人生气的禁忌鸡尾酒。
传奇人物 Tanner 林斯利继续说道:“我对你们公司代码库的贡献比你多” j00UHltY2N2aW5Jbw==) 聊聊React 的未来(TanStack Start)。
Kush Pandya 撰写了关于[两个恶意 npm 包如何促进数据盗窃和破坏](https://click.convertkit-mail4.com/38u3l732zwhkho82d8wcpu4n98pnns7/z2hgh7u3264dldhp/aHR0cHM6Ly9zb2NrZXQuZGV2L2Jsb2cvbmlnaHRtYXJlcy1vbi 1ucG0taG93LXR3by1tYWxpY2lvdXMtcGFja2FnZXMtZmFjaWxpdGF0ZS1kYXRhLXRoZWZ0LWFuZC1kZXN0cnVjdGlvbg==)。睡前阅读一些可以为噩梦加油的书总是很高兴。