Alex Harri wrote an article about How the web’s clipboard stores data of different types. This deep knowledge of the clipboard will give you everything you need to declare yourself the hall monitor of the web.
TkDodo wrote about How Infinite Queries work in React Query – and in that moment, I swear he was infinite ✨🔮💫.
Fingerprint provides account takeover detection + prevention that’s powered by device intelligence, so you can build a secure and frictionless login experience that protects user data and get the insights you need to prevent ATO attacks for good. [sponsored]
TypeScript 5.6 just dropped with new syntactic nullish/truthy checks, iterator helper methods, and lots of other stuff you may or may not notice.
Alex Pate wrote about Cleaner JavaScript promises with safe-await. No word yet on if he’ll be collaborating with the Jonas Brothers to start selling JavaScript promise rings, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Colby Fayock created this deep dive on Setting up MDX in a Next.js App Router application.
Uğur Erdem Seyfi wrote about Understanding Concurrency, Parallelism and JS. But how is it possible to understand multiple things at one time?
CarbonQA provides high-quality QA services that scale. Their US-based testers work directly with your tools and will break your app repeatedly by doing all the manual testing you hate doing yourself. [sponsored]
Ahmad Shadeed wrote about CSS display contents.
OpenAI wrote an interesting article about Learning to Reason with LLMs. But if I had known that ChatGPT could teach me how to play Hoobastank songs, I would’ve started using it a long time ago.
Alex Harri 写了一篇关于[网络剪贴板如何存储不同类型的数据]的文章(。对剪贴板的深入了解将为您提供宣称自己是网络大厅监视器所需的一切。
TkDodo 写了关于[无限查询如何工作]( Jr) 在 React Query 中 – 在那一刻,我发誓他是无限的 ✨🔮💫。
3.指纹提供[账户盗用检测+预防](\_cmVmPWJ5dG Vz) 由设备智能提供支持,因此您可以构建安全、顺畅的登录体验来保护用户数据并获得永久防止 ATO 攻击所需的见解。 [赞助]
[TypeScript 5.6]( luZy10eXBlc2NyaXB0LTUtNi8=) 刚刚删除了新的语法无效/真实检查、迭代器辅助方法以及许多其他您可能会或可能不会的东西注意。
Alex Pate 写了关于 [Cleaner JavaScript Promise with safe-await]( ZXMtd2l0aC1zYWZlLWF3YWl0)。目前还没有关于他是否会与乔纳斯兄弟合作开始销售 JavaScript 承诺戒指的消息,但我已经祈祷了。
Colby Fayock 在 [Setting up MDX in a Next.js App Router application]( mV4dGpz)。
Uğur Erdem Seyfi 写了一篇关于[理解并发、并行性和 JS]( jeS1hbmQtcGFyYWxsZWxpc20v)。但如何才能同时理解多种事物呢?
CarbonQA 提供[可扩展的高质量 QA 服务]( mdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9c2VwMTYmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1lbWFpbCZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz)。他们位于美国的测试人员直接使用您的工具,并通过执行您讨厌自己做的所有手动测试来反复破坏您的应用程序。 [赞助]
Ahmad Shadeed 写了关于 [CSS 显示内容]( )。
OpenAI 写了一篇关于[Learning to Reason with LLM]( 3aXRoLWxsbXMv)。但如果我知道 ChatGPT 可以教我如何演奏 Hoobastank 歌曲,我早就开始使用它了。