The React Native DevTools were just announced at React Universe conf. You can’t use them yet, but if we all visualize using them, we can help manifest them into existence sooner. I learned that from The Secret.
Minko Gechev wrote about his experience managing the Angular project for the past few years.
QA Wolf’s AI-native testing approach helps your team do two very important things: 1) get 80% automated e2e test coverage for your application with a “zero-flake guarantee”, and 2) reduce QA cycle times from hours to minutes with unlimited parallel test runs, so your team can ship 2x faster, with confidence. Learn more here. [sponsored]
Alex Anderson wrote about how he accidentally made his team’s website faster by switching to Remix – right on cue for last week’s Remix psyop.
ESLint now ships its own types.
Matteo Collina set up an SSR performance showdown, where he benchmarked React, Vue, Solid, Svelte, and Preact against each other. As expected, this caused zero controversy and everyone online was very chill and normal about it.
Document Security is a CLI app (or library component) you can add to your application to give your users a simple way to add, remove, or change encryption and security settings on PDF documents. [sponsored]
HonoX is a Hono-based metaframework built on Vite – not an unrated director’s cut of Hono with bonus features on DVD you can get at Blockbuster.
Fotis P. released @svg-use, a set of tools and bundler plugins to ergonomically load SVG files as components, via SVG’s <use href>
Dave Kiss wrote about how PHP is the new JavaScript. Now we just need JavaScript to become the new Lindsay Lohan, and for Jamie Lee Curtis to become the new PHP – and Freaky Friday 2 will be ready for production.
let i = 0
function x() {
return 10
i += x()
console.log(i) // ?
The answer is 10
. Here’s how it works.
For clarity, we can refactor i += x()
to be i = i + x()
. From there, the interpreter begins evaluating our code. Before it evaluates the function invocation, it seems that i
evaluates to 0
, so now our code is i = 0 + x()
. The invocation of x
returns 10
, so now it’s i = 0 + 10
, which gives us i = 10
Note that if you swap the order of i
and x()
like i = x() + i
you get a different value - 🫂.
Built with ❤️ by uidotdev
50 W Broadway Ste 333 PMB 51647 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
[React Native 开发工具]( )刚刚在 React Universe 大会上宣布。你还不能使用它们,但如果我们都想象使用它们,我们就可以帮助它们更快地显现出来。我从《秘密》中了解到这一点。
Minko Gechev 写了他的经验[管理 Angular 项目]( FuYWdpbmctYW5ndWxhci8=) 过去几年。
[QA Wolf’s](\_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPVNsb3dRQUN5Y2xlczA 5MDkyMDI0JnV0bV9tZWRpdW09bmV3c2xldHRlciZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz) AI 原生测试方法可帮助您的团队完成两件非常重要的事情:1) 为您的团队获得 80% 的自动化 e2e 测试覆盖率具有“零碎片保证”的应用程序,2) 通过无限的并行测试运行将 QA 周期时间从几小时缩短到几分钟,这样您的团队就可以充满信心地将交付速度提高 2 倍。 [在此处了解更多信息。](\_dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPVNsb3dRQUN5Y2xlczA5 MDkyMDI0JnV0bV9tZWRpdW09bmV3c2xldHRlciZ1dG1fc291cmNlPWJ5dGVz) [赞助]
Alex Anderson 写了关于他如何[通过切换到 Remix 意外地使他的团队的网站变得更快]( tYWNjaWRlbnRhbGx5LW1hZGUtb3VyLXdlYnNpdGUtZmFzdGVyLWJ5LXN3aXRjaGluZy10by1yZW1peA==) – 正好赶上上周的 Remix psyop 。
ESLint 现在[提供自己的类型]( xlYXNlZC8=)。
Matteo Collina 展开了一场 [SSR 性能对决]( NlLXNob3dkb3du),他在其中对 React、Vue、Solid、Svelte 和 Preact 进行了相互比较。果然,这件事引起了零争议,网上大家都对此感到很冷静,很正常。
[文档安全]( G1fY2FtcGFpZ249MDkwOSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPW5ld3NsZXR0ZXImdXRtX3NvdXJjZT1ieXRlcy5kZXY=) 是一个 CLI 应用程序(或库组件),您可以添加到您的应用程序中,为您的用户提供一种简单的添加方法、删除或更改 PDF 文档的加密和安全设置。 [赞助]
HonoX是一个基于Hono的元框架,构建在Vite上 – 不是一个未评级的导演带有额外功能的 Hono s 剪辑 DVD你可以在百视达获得。
Fotis P. 发布了 @svg-use,一组符合人体工程学的工具和捆绑器插件ally 将 SVG 文件作为组件加载,通过SVG 的“<use href>”机制。
Dave Kiss 写了关于如何 [PHP 是新的 JavaScript]( pc总部=)。现在我们只需要 JavaScript 成为新的 Lindsay Lohan,让 Jamie Lee Curtis 成为新的 PHP,Freaky Friday 2 就可以投入生产了。
let i = 0
function x() {
return 10
i += x()
console.log(i) // ?
为了清楚起见,我们可以将 i += x()
重构为 i = i + x()
。从那里,解释器开始评估我们的代码。在计算函数调用之前,“i”的计算结果似乎是“0”,所以现在我们的代码是“i = 0 + x()”。调用“x”返回“10”,所以现在是“i = 0 + 10”,这给了我们“i = 10”。
请注意,如果您交换“i”和“x()”的顺序,例如“i = x() + i”,您会得到不同的值 - 🫂。
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