The TC39 committee added a new stage between Stages 2 and 3 for JavaScript feature proposals. It reminds me of when my dad told me that my school “invented a new grade” in between 4th and 5th – instead of telling me I had been held back (again).
Jared Scholz wrote a detailed breakdown of The top 6 JavaScript errors and how to fix them in the hopes of helping you “turn speed bumps into stepping stones of better practices.” We love that wholesome content 🥹 [sponsored]
Michael Novotny (Director of DX at Vercel) wrote about What’s new in React 19.
Laravel just raised $57 million immediately after investors realized that the vanity plate on Taylor Otwell’s Lambo said FOUNDER MODE
Luke Harris wrote about Preloading files to reduce download chains in the browser.
CarbonQA provides high-quality QA services that scale. Their US-based testers work directly with your tools and will break your app repeatedly by doing all the manual testing you hate doing yourself. [sponsored]
Alex Rickabaugh wrote on the Angular blog about how The future is standalone. So I guess I was just ahead of my time at my Senior Prom after all.
Bramus created a MutationObserver for CSS that lets you get notified when the computed value of a CSS property changes.
Rodrigo Pombo wrote a code-heavy article on Build-time components and why RSC will be a big leap forward for content sites.
Keith Cirkel wrote about i-html, a drop-in tag that lets you dynamically import html inline. It’s also the name of the riveting sequel to I, Robot that I produced – starring Jaden Smith and now playing on every gas station TV in the Midwest.
TC39委员会在第2阶段和第3阶段之间添加了[一个新阶段]( qYXZhc2NyaXB0LXN0YW5kYXJkLWdldHMtYW4tZXh0cmEtc3RhZ2Uv) 用于 JavaScript 功能提案。这让我想起了我父亲告诉我,我的学校在四年级到五年级之间“发明了一个新年级”,而不是告诉我我(再次)受到了阻碍。
Jared Scholz 撰写了[前 6 个 JavaScript 错误及其修复方法]的详细分析( 0LWVycm9ycz91dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249YnJhbmQmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9YmxvZyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXNwb25zb3JzaGlwJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXM=)希望能帮助您“转动速度”碰撞出更好实践的垫脚石。”我们喜欢这些有益健康的内容🥹[赞助]
Michael Novotny(Vercel DX 总监)撰写了有关 [React 19 的新增功能]( LXJlYWN0LTE5)。
[Laravel 刚刚筹集了 5700 万美元]( xpb24tc2VyaWVzLWE=) 在投资者意识到 Taylor Otwell 的兰博基尼车牌上写着“FOUNDER MODE”后立即。
Luke Harris 写了关于预加载文件以减少浏览器中的下载链。
CarbonQA 提供[可扩展的高质量 QA 服务]( mdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9c2VwNSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Ynl0ZXM=)。他们位于美国的测试人员直接使用您的工具,并通过执行您讨厌自己做的所有手动测试来反复破坏您的应用程序。 [赞助]
Alex Rickabaugh 在 Angular 博客上写道,[未来是独立的]( tc3RhbmRhbG9uZS00NzVkN2VkYmM3MDY=)。所以我想我在高级舞会上还是超前了。
Bramus 创建了一个 MutationObserver for CSS当 CSS 属性的计算值发生变化时收到通知。
Rodrigo Pombo 写了一篇关于 [构建时组件] 的代码密集型文章( XBvbmVudHM=) 以及为什么 RSC 将成为内容网站的一大飞跃。
Keith Cirkel 写了关于 i-html 的文章,这是一个可让您动态导入的嵌入式标签html 内联。这也是我制作的《我,机器人》引人入胜的续集的名称,由贾登·史密斯主演,现在在中西部的每个加油站电视上播放。