Nolen Royalty wrote about the secret he found inside his One Million Checkboxes site along with this 9-minute video that gives a TLDR. It might restore your faith in humanity, or at least your faith in teenagers on the internet with a lot of time on their hands.
shadcn just introduced a new CLI that lets you “install anything from anywhere,” including themes, components, hooks, and more. And if you vote for Pedro, all your wildest dreams will come true.
ViteConf is one month away! Get your free, virtual ticket to the best (and biggest) online conference of the year — and be sure to check out their impressive lineup of speakers featuring open-source maintainers, AI experts, and other builders driving web development forward. [sponsored]
Jan Hesters wrote this senior-level explanation to JavaScript generators. But when I read this article to my grandma and her friends at the senior center, they were just as confused as I was.
Michael Shilman wrote about Why component testing is the future of UI testing.
Aaron Grider spoke about Bringing real-time 3D to mobile with the Starlink app using React Native.
Andrew Clark pushed one of a series of PRs related to sibling prerendering for React 19 that aims to address the Suspense behavior change controversy from back in June.
WEB UNLEASHED is the ultimate front-end developer conference on Oct 10-11 in TORONTO and ONLINE. You can save 50% on tickets with the code BYTES
, and learn from over 50 speakers – including Douglas Crockford, Wes Bos, Rachel Andrew, Harry Roberts, Chris Coyier, Stephanie Eckles, and more. [sponsored]
Taylor “Daddy Waravel” Otwell gave a 100-minute Laravel keynote at last week’s Laracon where it was unanimously decided that you have to stop Laravel. The vibes too high, the joy too strong, they’ll kill you.
SpaceHey is a MySpace clone that just reached 1.2 million registered users. From what I can tell, at least 1.1 million of those users are scene kids who never grew up and are still blasting My Chemical Romance like it’s 2007. Love to see it 🥹.
Nolen Royal 写到了[他在他的“一百万个复选框”网站中发现的秘密]( bmUtbWlsbGlvbi1jaGVja2JveGVzLw==) 以及这个 [9 分钟视频](https ://给出了TLDR。它可能会恢复你对人性的信心,或者至少恢复你对互联网上拥有大量空闲时间的青少年的信心。
shadcn刚刚推出了[一个新的CLI]( OTI=) 允许您“从任何地方安装任何东西”,包括主题、组件、挂钩等等。如果您投票给佩德罗,您所有最疯狂的梦想都会成真。
ViteConf还有一个月啦!获取免费虚拟门票参加年度最佳(也是最大)的在线会议 - 并且一定要查看他们令人印象深刻的阵容演讲者包括开源维护者、人工智能专家和其他推动网络开发向前发展的构建者。 [赞助]
Jan Hesters 写了这篇[对 JavaScript 生成器的高级解释]( bmRpbmctZ2VuZXJhdG9ycy1pbi1qYXZhc2NyaXB0)。但当我把这篇文章读给我的奶奶和她在老年中心的朋友们听时,他们和我一样困惑。
Michael Shilman 撰写了关于[为什么组件测试是 UI 测试的未来]( Rlc3Rpbmcv)。
Aaron Grider 谈到[通过 Starlink 应用程序将实时 3D 引入移动设备](\_dj 10c1I5ZXFtbHJqcw==)使用 React Native。
Andrew Clark 推送了 [与预渲染相关的一系列 PR 之一]( React 19 的 A4MDA=) 旨在解决 Suspense 行为变更争议六月回来。
WEB UNLEASHED 是终极前端开发者大会,将于 10 月 10 日至 11 日在多伦多和在线举行。使用代码“BYTES”,您可以节省 50% 的门票费用,并向 50 多位演讲者学习,包括 Douglas Crockford、Wes Bos、Rachel Andrew、Harry Roberts、Chris Coyier、Stephanie Eckles 等。 [赞助]
Taylor “Daddy Waravel” Otwell 发表了 [100 分钟的 Laravel 主题演讲](\_dj1B d1dlcFZVNXVXTQ==) 在上周的 Laracon 上,一致决定你已经阻止 Laravel。共鸣太高,快乐太强烈,它们会杀了你。
10。注册用户达到120万。据我所知,这些用户中至少有 110 万是从未长大的场景孩子,他们仍然像 2007 年一样热衷于《我的化学浪漫》。很喜欢看到它🥹。