shadcn/ui just released a bunch of new components, CLI improvements, and more. Long live the copy-pasta component king 🫡.
Ollie Williams wrote about Easy vertical alignment without flexbox.
Clerk discusses how magic links unlock secure, passwordless authentication. Explore Clerk for effortless integration of advanced authentication into your app. [sponsored]
In Alternate Futures for “Web Components”, Carlana Johnson writes about how WC always seem to be “on the cusp of catching on” — much like FP on the front-end 🥁.
Next.js is exploring moving to Lightning CSS.
Swizec Teller wrote an article called People like me are why you shouldn’t run a hosting company. It reminded me of the blog post I still need to finish called, “People like me are why you shouldn’t run an all-you-can-eat potstickers restaurant.”
The NEW Developer Nation survey is here! For every survey response, Developer Nation will donate to a charity based on their community’s input, including Mozilla Foundation, ADRA, Ada Developers Academy, Free Code Camp, and Engineers Without Borders. Wanna join? Start Here. [sponsored]
Lara Aigmüller wrote an article called Never underestimate HTML, which reminds me that you should also never underestimate an 18-year-old hacker with access to a smartphone, Amazon Firestick, and hotel TV.
The Solid.js team just released SolidStart Beta 2 with new super serializing server functions, a new Nitro server layer, and more.
Emil Privér posted an article about Multi-threading within Rust on Christmas morning. Sure, my kids were a little bummed out that I spent a few hours reading it and playing with TanStack Router while they quietly opened their presents in the living room — but at least they’ll always have the memory of that time when their dad made sure that issue #249 of his JavaScript newsletter went out on time.
shadcn/ui 刚刚发布一大批新元件, CLI 改进,等等. 长寿复印件组件王。
在替代“网页组件”的未来卡拉娜·约翰逊(Carlana Johnson)写道,厕所似乎总是“在赶上” - 就像前端的FP一样。
下一篇: JS探索移动到闪电CSS是的
Swizec Teller 写了一篇名为像我这样的人就是为什么你不应该经营一家托管公司它提醒我,我仍然需要完成的博客帖子叫做“像我这样的人为什么你不应该经营一间你可以吃的鸡尾酒餐厅。
Lara Aigmüller写了一篇名为永远不要低估HTML,这提醒我,你也绝不应该低估一个十八岁的黑客可以使用智能手机、Amazon Firestick 和酒店电视。
Solid.js 团队刚刚发布SolidStart 测试版 2新的超级序列化服务器功能、新的Nitro服务器层等等。
艾米尔·普里维尔发表了一篇关于安静内部的多重威胁当然,我的孩子们有点惊讶,因为我花了几个小时阅读它,玩 TanStack 路由器,而他们悄悄地在客厅里打开礼物 - 但至少他们总是记得那时的记忆,当他们的父亲确保他的JavaScript新闻稿的第249号发行时间。