TC39 news: The Set methods proposal advanced to Stage 4, and the Signals proposal advanced to Stage 1, just a week after we wrote about it in Bytes. That’s why I always say to be the change you wish to see in the world.
StackBlitz is hosting a livestream on how to create interactive documentation using the WebContainer API and StackBlitz’s JavaScript SDK. You’ll learn how to create next-gen docs like Svelte and Google that will help convince developers to actually use your software. [sponsored]
Roman Maksimov wrote a deep dive on Object structure in JavaScript engines.
XState just released XState Store, a “simple and tiny” state management library inspired by XState. My elementary school teachers used to describe me the same way before my growth spurt.
zx v8.0 is now 20x smaller, and it uses esbuild with custom plugins to introduce more safety, more stability, and much faster installation times.
Aral Roca wrote a great deep dive on HTML streaming over the wire.
PostHog created the Product for Engineers newsletter to help engineers (like you!) improve their product skills. It comes with deep dives on top startups, lessons and mistakes from building PostHog, advice for crafting great products, and unreasonably cute hedgehog illustrations. [sponsored]
Max Stoiber wrote about how You probably don’t need GraphQL. That’s surprising to read from the founder of a GraphQL company, but knowing Max, he’s probably running some sort of 4D chess-level PsyOp here.
Rafael R. Camargo wrote about his experience Building a React 19 meta-framework from scratch.
Val Town just raised $5.5m to expand its browser-based platform for writing and deploying serverless functions. It’s great for quickly creating websites, APIs, and tools like this newsletter notifier built by our new BFF, Pranjal.
第39章 消息:设定方法提案进入第4阶段,并信号提议进入第一阶段,就在我们在Bytes中写了一周之后,这就是为什么我总是说你是你想在世界上看到的变化。
StackBlitz正在主持一个生活流如何创建交互式文档使用 WebContainer API 和 StackBlitz 的 JavaScript SDK. 您将学习如何创建像 Svelte 和 Google 这样的下一代文件,这将有助于说服开发人员实际使用你的软件(支持)
XState 刚刚发布十大商店,一个“简单而微小的”国家管理图书馆,受到XState的启发,我的小学教师在我的成长开始之前也以同样的方式描述了我。
ZX v8.0 版本它现在小了20倍,并使用esbuild与自定义插件来引入更多的安全性,更多的稳定性和更快的安装时间。
阿拉尔·罗卡写了伟大的深沉潜水HTML 通过线路流是的
邮局创建了工程师报纸产品以帮助工程师(像你一样!)提高他们的产品技能. 它带来了对顶级初创公司的深度潜水,建立PostHog的教训和错误,为制作伟大的产品提供建议,以及不合理可爱的鸟插图。
马克斯·斯图伯写道:您可能不需要 GraphQL这令人惊讶地从GraphQL公司的创始人那里读到,但知道Max,他可能在这里运行某种4D象棋级PsyOp。
拉斐尔·R·卡马戈写了他的经历从头开始构建 React 19 元框架是的
瓦尔镇刚刚筹集了550万美元扩展其基于浏览器的平台来编写和部署无服务器功能. 它非常适合快速创建网站,API和此类工具 新闻通知器由我们的新BFF,Pranjal建造。