We just released a highly interactive article called Why React Query? It’s the first post in our upcoming React Query course, and it dives deep into what problems React Query solves and why it’s now used in ~1/6 of all React apps 🤯.
Astro 4.8 comes with experimental support for Astro Actions, which let you easily define and call backend functions with full type-safety from your client code.
Lavanya Chockalingam wrote about How to optimize your AI application with New Relic’s AI monitoring platform. She walks through how to use 30+ features in a simple AI chat app to improve performance, code quality, and cost. [sponsored]
Figma wrote about How and why they migrated to TypeScript from their own custom programming language. Feel free to forward this to that one person on your team who insists on building everything from scratch.
esbuild v0.21 comes with an implementation of the upcoming JavaScript decorators proposal that even Evan Wallace & Co. describe as “very complex.” So buckle up.
Artem Zakharchenko wrote about Why patching globals is harmful.
OneSchema automates CSV import for your messiest customer spreadsheets. Replace brittle scripts and Excel macros and free up the eng team to accelerate your roadmap. [sponsored]
Expo SDK 51 comes with support for React Native 0.74 and bridgeless mode.
Nx 19 just launched with a new first-party plugin for the Gradle build tool, Atomizer enhancements, and lots of other new features.
Dhravya Shah created Markdowner, an open-source tool for converting any website into LLM-ready markdown data. Not to be confused with DebbieDowner
, a new social network I’m building for web platform absolutists to complain about how much they hate JavaScript and React.
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我们刚刚发布了一篇名为为什么要 React Query?这是我们即将到来的第一篇文章回应 Query 课程,并深入了解React Query解决了哪些问题,以及为什么它现在用于所有React应用程序的六分之一。
星座 4.8它配备了对 Astro Actions 的实验性支持,允许您轻松地定义和调用后端功能,从客户端代码中获得完整的类型安全性。
Lavanya Chockalingam 写了关于如何通过New Relic的AI监控平台优化您的AI应用程序她通过如何在一个简单的AI聊天应用程序中使用30多个功能来提高性能,代码质量和成本。
Figma 写了关于如何和为什么他们迁移到TypeScript从他们自己的自定义编程语言. 请放心将此传递给团队中的那个坚持从头开始构建一切的人。
维生素 v0.21它带来了即将到来的JavaScript装饰者建议的实施,甚至Evan Wallace & Co.也将其描述为“非常复杂”。
阿瑟姆·扎哈尔申科写道为什么 Patching Global 是有害的是的
一个方案自动为您最棒的客户表格导入 CSV。 更换脆弱的脚本和 Excel 宏,并释放 Eng 团队来加速您的路线图。
第51集 SDK支持 React Native 0.74 和无桥模式。
NX 19刚刚推出了一款新的第一方插件,用于Gradle构建工具,Atomizer改进和许多其他新功能。
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50 W 百老汇 Ste 333 PMB 51647 盐湖城, 犹他州 84101
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