shadcn just launched Charts – a collection of beautiful, copy-pasteable chart components that are built on top of Recharts. If you thought all SAAS apps already looked the same, buckle up.
Eric Allam wrote a deep dive about how he and his team tamed Node.js event loop lag.
React Rally is one of the most beloved React confs ever, and they’re offering a 25% discount to all Bytes subscribers through this link. Come to Park City, Utah on Aug 12-14th and learn from Chris Sev, Kent C. Dodds, Shruti Kapoor, and many more. [sponsored]
es-toolkit is a new JavaScript utility library that bills itself as a faster, more modernized version of lodash, which is a faster, more modernized version of underscore.
matcha.css is a pure CSS library designed to style HTML elements similar to a default browser stylesheet. But as much as I want to like matcha, it always ends up tasting like grass juice to me.
React, Visualized is our gentle introduction to React, but visualized.
Sentry’s JavaScript error and performance monitoring tools give you max power with minimum effort (my favorite). You get React 19 support, auto-config for dozens of libraries, and a one-line setup that makes it super easy to get started (for free). [sponsored]
Flitter is a JavaScript data visualization library that uses Flutter-like syntax – aka the crossover that no one asked for. But it does look a lot more promising than this crossover flop that David Guetta, Madonna, and Lil Wayne made back in 2009.
@matry/dom is a new, early-stage UI library for “imperative JSX.” Instead of following React’s declarative model that treats JSX as the source of truth for your UI, it essentially becomes a query interface for DOM manipulation.
Virgil is a brand new, lightweight systems programming language created by Ben Titzer (the co-creator of WebAssembly). Really thoughtful of him to name this new project after my great uncle who used to scare us all at family reunions by pulling out his glass eye.
shadcn 刚刚启动地图– 一个美丽的,可复制粘贴的图表组件的集合,这些组件是建立在Recharts上。
埃里克·阿拉姆写了关于他和他的团队如何深沉的潜水Node.js 事件环节延迟是的
React Rally是迄今为止最受欢迎的React confs之一,他们正在提供25%的折扣给所有Bytes订阅者通过这个链接在8月12日至14日来到犹他州帕克城,并从Chris Sev、Kent C. Dodds、Shruti Kapoor和其他许多人那里学习。
工具工具是一个新的JavaScript工具库,它将自己定义为更快、更现代化的Lodash版本,这是一种更快、更现代化的 underscore版本。
马克思.css是一种纯粹的 CSS 库,旨在设计类似默认浏览器风格表的 HTML 元素。欲喜欢马查,它总是对我来说像草汁一样的味道。
桑德斯JavaScript 错误和性能监控工具你得到React 19的支持,数十个图书馆的自动配置,以及一个单行设置,使它非常容易开始(免费)。
流浪者这是一个JavaScript数据可视化库,它使用类似Flutter的语法 - 即没有人要求的交叉。克罗斯沃弗洛普这是大卫·盖塔,麦当娜和莉尔·韦恩在2009年重新创作的。
马德里 / Dom它是一个新的,初级阶段的用户界面库,用于“强制性的JSX”。而不是遵循React的声明模型,该模型将JSX视为您的用户界面的真相来源,它基本上成为DOM操作的查询界面。
维吉尔这是一个全新的,轻量级的系统编程语言由Ben Titzer(WebAssembly的联合创始人)创建的。他真的很想念这个新项目以我的大叔的名字命名,他曾经通过抽出他的玻璃眼来吓我们所有人在家庭聚会。