The jQuery 4.0 beta just launched, and Miley Cyrus just won a Grammy for Record of the Year. The dream of 2012 is still alive.
OneSchema built an embeddable CSV importer that’s easy to set up in your app and even easier for your customers to use. It’s incredibly performant at scale, comes with advanced data editing features, and saves teams 6 months (!!) of engineering time on average. [sponsored]
Vite 5.1 is hot off the press today with a new runtime API, improved support for .css?url
, improved HMR for circular import, and lots more.
Bjorn Lu (a member of the Vite and Svelte core teams) wrote an in-depth post called Hot Module Replacement is Easy. Thankfully, he tells you upfront that it’s actually not easy at all — which helps you feel much better about yourself as you try to wrap your mind around the 4,100-word deep dive that follows.
Remix just launched v2.6 and also open-sourced their website.
Clerk created a full suite of embeddable UIs, flexible APIs, and admin dashboards, so you can build enterprise-ready authentication and user management in a few hours. Plus, their free tier gives you 10,000 monthly active users for free (no credit card required). [sponsored]
Kadi Kraman wrote, What every dev should know about using Environment Variables on the new and improved Expo blog. It looks great and more importantly, it’s no longer hosted on Medium 🙏.
Sadly, the same cannot be said of Flutter’s blog 💀 — but Craig Labenz did write an interesting deep dive on How and why Google Earth rewrote their mobile and web clients in Flutter.
GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) just released a new React hook that solves a few React-specific pain points when building animations. They also made this 12-minute demo video on how it works.
Stephanie Stimac wrote a quick post on Using CSS Media Query for scripting support. I’ve been looking for my own “scripting support”, since all those Hollywood snobs are apparently too cool for my screenplay about an indie developer who ignores the haters and makes it big with his hit Apple Vision Pro app, iBeerGoggles.
该jQuery 4.0 测试版刚刚推出,迈利·赛鲁斯刚刚赢得了格莱美年度纪录奖,2012年的梦想仍然活着。
OneSchema 建立一个可嵌入式 CSV 导入器它很容易在您的应用程序中设置,甚至更容易为您的客户使用。功效在规模上,配备了先进的数据编辑功能,平均节省了团队6个月(!!)的工程时间。
快速 5.1今天新闻发布了新的运行时间API,改进了对.css?url
Bjorn Lu(Vite和Svelte核心团队的一员)写了一篇深入的文章,名为热模块更换很容易幸运的是,他提前告诉你,这实际上并不容易 - 这有助于你对自己感觉更好,因为你试图围绕随后的4100字深沉潜水。
卡迪·克拉曼写道,每个开发人员都应该知道如何使用环境变量它看起来很棒,更重要的是,它不再主办于Medium 🙏。
不幸的是,对于Flutter的博客也不能说同样的话 - 但是Craig Labenz确实写了一篇有趣的深潜。如何以及为什么在Flutter中重写Google Earth的移动和Web客户端是的
GSAP(GreenSock动画平台)刚刚发布新的React Hook它在构建动画时解决了一些React特定的疼痛点。12分钟的视频演示关于它如何运作。
Stephanie Stimac 写了一个快速的帖子使用 CSS Media Query 进行脚本支持我一直在寻找自己的“脚本支持”,因为所有那些好莱坞的子似乎对我关于一个忽略仇恨者并通过他的成功的Apple Vision Pro应用程序iBeerGoggles做得太酷了。