I learned 3 things from Vercel Ship: 1) Vercel makes a lot of money ($100m ARR), 2) they used that money to buy their team members some non-black t-shirts, and 3) the Next.js 15 RC is now available.
Rupour created a slightly new way to visualize colors with Colorang (their words, not mine).
PropelAuth’s multi-tenant auth solution is the best way to scale auth for your B2B app, because they give you great tools and get out of your way (just like my calligraphy tutor). And their Startup Plan is completely free until you’ve raised at least $1m in funding. [sponsored]
Ryan Florence wrote about Remix reversing back to React Router (again). Do you have any idea the physical toll that three vasectomies has on a person?
Travis Arnold released ReStyle, a React 19-powered, no-config, zero-runtime, atomic-css, suspense-enabled, *breathes* npm-ready, CSS prop-supporting, on-demand, CSS-in-JS library.
Million Lint just released a v1.0 RC of their IDE extension that automatically finds and fixes React performance issues for you.
Jamie Turner wrote this article on Defining, Optimizing, and Invalidating Your Cache for the Convex blog. If you’ve ever felt a little confused about what a cache actually does, this post is perfect for you. [sponsored]
Brent Sandifer and the Microsoft team wrote about how to extend Fabric, their web-component based design system. Glad to see there are still people keeping the web component dream alive ✊.
The Stellate team just open-sourced graphql-query, their 8.7x faster GraphQL query parser that’s written in Rust.
Kevin Schiener wrote about Sneaky React Memory Leaks, which triggered memories of the sneaky leaks my Grandma used to bless us with every time she got up out of her chair. RIP, Gam Gam.
我从Vercel Ship学到了3件事:1)Vercel赚了很多钱(1000万美元),2)他们用这笔钱买了他们的团队成员一些非黑色T恤,3)下一篇: JS 15 RC现在可用了。
瑞安·弗洛伦斯 写了关于转换回 React 路由器(再一次)您有没有意识到三次血管切除对一个人的身体负担吗?
特拉维斯·阿诺德获释重建,一个 React 19 驱动,没有配置,零运行时间,原子-css,启用暂停,• 呼吸*npm-ready, CSS 支持,按需, CSS-in-JS 库。
百万林特刚刚发布Av1.0 机械他们的 IDE 扩展程序自动为您找到并修复 React 性能问题。
杰米·特纳写了这篇文章定义,优化和无效您的缓存对于 Convex 博客,如果你曾经感到有点困惑,什么是缓存实际上是的,这篇文章对你来说是完美的。
Stellate 团队刚刚开源查询 查询他们的 8.7 倍更快的 GraphQL 查询解析器是用 Rust 编写的。
Kevin Schiener 写了关于Sneaky React 记忆泄露,这引发了我奶奶经常祝福我们每次她从椅子上站起来的迷茫泄漏的回忆。