Manupa wrote a deep dive about The Anatomy of shadcn/ui
, and he’s still having trouble getting the smell of formaldehyde off his clothes.
SvelteKit 2.0 just dropped today with Vite 5 support and a popular new feature called shallow routing, which lets you associate state with a history entry without causing navigation.
10 Insights on Real-World Container Usage is a brand new report where Datadog examined 2.4 billion containers run by their customers, and used the data to pull out some interesting (and surprising) insights. [sponsored]
Jim Nielsen wrote about Examples of Great URL Design, so you can have a new fun way to ruthlessly judge every website you visit.
React Native 0.73 comes with new debugging improvements for Hermes, stable symlink support, and “Bridgeless Mode” - the next pillar of the new RN architecture.
Because the Expo team never sleeps, they’ve already released an Expo v50 beta with React Native 0.73, a new Expo devtools plugin API, and much more.
Jen Simmons and Marcos Cáceres wrote about all the new WebKit features in Safari 17.2. And there are a lot.
Jacob Groß wrote about The fastest way of passing state to JavaScript with lots of fancy benchmarks to prove it.
Huh? is a simple library for building interactive forms and prompts in the terminal with a name that will definitely not confuse anyone ever.
Kilian Valkhof wrote an article called You don’t need JavaScript for that, which shows how you can avoid using simple JavaScript features by instead writing lots of long and complicated fun HTML and CSS 😉.
白色 2.0今天刚刚放弃了Vite 5的支持和一个受欢迎的新功能,称为浅路由,允许您将状态与历史条目相关联,而不会导致导航。
吉姆·尼尔森写道伟大的 URL 设计,所以你可以有一个新的有趣的方式,无情地评判你访问的每一个网站。
原生反應 0.73它为Hermes带来了新的调试改进,稳定的simlink支持,以及“Bridgeless Mode” - 新RN架构的下一个支柱。
因為Expo團隊從不睡覺,他們已經發行了一個EXPO V50 测试版有了 React Native 0.73,一个新的Expo devtools插件API,还有更多。
Jen Simmons 和 Marcos Cáceres 写了关于Safari 17.2 中的所有新 WebKit 功能. 而且有很多。
Jacob Groß 写了关于将状态转移到JavaScript的最快方法许多精彩的基准来证明这一点。
Kilian Valkhof写了一篇名为你不需要JavaScript为此,这表明如何避免使用简单的JavaScript功能,而不是写很多漫长而复杂的内容。乐趣HTML 和 CSS 😉