Speaking of React Native, Evan “I-invented-the-Wendy’s-Baconator” Bacon gave this wild demo of Expo DOM Components – which let you incrementally adopt native views in React websites, instead of starting from scratch.
sdegutis created this Case for vanilla JSX.
Sarah Gooding wrote about how Node.js has formalized a plan for removing Corepack after a developer submitted an issue to enable Corepack by default. Let that be a lesson to anyone else who dares to publicly question the authority of npm.
Neon offers a fully managed Postgres platform to help you build cool stuff faster. Your database scales automatically, and you can instantly spin up ready-to-use databases for development, testing, and previews. [sponsored]
Stepperize is a simple, typesafe, and flexible library for building customizable steppers. “Michael, what did I tell you about yeppers steppers?”
Steve Simkins wrote about Why he left Neovim for Zed.
Heikki Lotvonen wrote on the Glyph Drawing Club blog about Syntax highlighting in handcoded websites. I’ve been trying to break into the GDC for years now, but I just can’t make it through those hazing rituals.
CarbonQA provides high-quality QA services that scale. Their US-based testers work directly with your tools and break your app repeatedly, so you don’t have to do it yourself. [sponsored]
Ryan Christian wrote about Prerendering with Preact’s Preset Vite plugin. He previously preceded this post by previewing what the prerendering preset would proceed to produce. Precisely.
Cloudflare just released new developer docs that are powered by Astro and now have much faster load times. But since correlation != causation, those speed gains could just as easily have been “caused” by the fact that I recently decided to boost my 7-Eleven slurpee intake to two per day (I needed the extra electrolytes).
谈到React Native,Evan“我发明了温迪的Baconator”Bacon给了这个EXPO DOM 组件的野生演示允许您在 React 网站中逐步采用本地视图,而不是从零开始。
创建此瓦尼拉 JSX是的
莎拉·古丁写道:如何Node.js 正式发布了删除 Corepack 的计划在开发人员提交了一个问题后,默认情况下启用CorePack,让这成为任何敢于公开质疑npm的权威的人的教训。
Neon 提供 A完全管理的 Postgres 平台您的数据库自动扩展,您可以立即旋转可用数据库以进行开发,测试和预览。
步行这是一个简单、安全且灵活的库,用于构建可自定义步骤。 “迈克尔,我对你说了什么关于步骤步骤步骤?”
Heikki Lotvonen在Glyph绘画俱乐部的博客上写道:手编码网站中的语法突出化我多年来一直试图打破GDC,但我无法通过那些混乱的仪式来实现。
克里斯蒂安·克里斯蒂安写道使用 Preact 的 Preset Vite 插件他之前先前预览了这个帖子,预览了预先设置将继续生产什么。
Cloudflare 刚刚发布新开发者docs但是由于相关性!=因果,这些速度的增加可以很容易地被“引起”的事实,最近我决定将我的7 Eleven slurpee摄入量增加到每天两次(我需要额外的电解质)。