A Tasty Treats NEWSLETTER for Web Developers
Issue #36:
Awesome CSS technique and demos for selecting the items that are currently NOT being hovered
The top trending JavaScript projects from 2024 based on github stars.
React context has a re-rendering problem - Aiden Bai (from Million..js) gives us a few tips on how to best approach React context for the most performant app. Also - Signals will save us from this all
What actually makes an object a DOM node? Is it the prototype? Or is it something else?
v23.6.0 of Node.js enables the —experimental-strip-types by default - you can now point node directly at TypeScript files!
面向 Web 开发人员的美味佳肴通讯
很棒的 CSS 技术和演示,用于选择当前未悬停的项目
基于 github 星数的 2024 年最热门 JavaScript 项目。
React 上下文有一个重新渲染问题 - Aiden Bai(来自 Million..js)为我们提供了一些关于如何最好地处理 React 上下文以获得最高性能应用程序的提示。另外 - 信号将把我们从这一切中拯救出来
究竟是什么让对象成为 DOM 节点?是原型吗?或者是别的什么?
Node.js v23.6.0 默认启用 —experimental-strip-types - 您现在可以将节点直接指向 TypeScript 文件!