A Tasty Treats NEWSLETTER for Web Developers
Issue #34:
You can still get 20% off all Syntax merch through Friday
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Porffor compiles JavaScript ahead-of-time to WebAssembly and native binaries with major perf and size benefits.
A neat way to use AI to puppeteer a website. Zack Jackson, an upcoming guest who works at ByteDance, put us onto this.
Hooks into puppeteer/playwright, or control any website via the chrome extension.
Kinda neat - not sure I’d use it for UI testing, but I can really these this being helpful to control websites without good selectors.
Check Wes’ demo on the Syntax website.
If your creative bucket is ever a little empty, this will fill it up - UI elements, scroll triggered animations, SVG and loads more
面向 Web 开发人员的美味佳肴通讯
*提前的 JavaScript 编译器
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周五之前,您仍然可以享受所有 Syntax 商品 20% 的折扣
Porffor 将 JavaScript 提前编译为 WebAssembly 和本机二进制文件,具有主要的性能和大小优势。
一种使用人工智能操纵网站的巧妙方法。在字节跳动工作的即将到来的嘉宾扎克·杰克逊(Zack Jackson)向我们介绍了这一点。
挂钩木偶师/剧作家,或通过 chrome 扩展控制任何网站。
有点简洁 - 不确定我是否会使用它进行 UI 测试,但我确实可以在没有良好选择器的情况下控制网站。
如果您的创意桶有点空,这将填满它 - UI 元素、滚动触发的动画、SVG 和加载更多