A Tasty Treats NEWSLETTER for Web Developers
Issue #32:
A big thank you to everyone who came out to our meetup last week, and to everyone we saw at GitHub Universe. You guys are great.
Keep an eye out for more meetups in the future (maybe in your city 👀).
💛 The Syntax Crew
A component to transition, format, and localize numbers. Dependency-free. Accessible. Customizable.
Built from the ground up to compete with Blink, Gecko and Webkit engines.
面向 Web 开发人员的美味佳肴通讯
非常感谢上周参加我们聚会的所有人,以及我们在 GitHub Universe 见到的所有人。你们太棒了。
💛 语法团队
从头开始构建,旨在与 Blink、Gecko 和 Webkit 引擎竞争。