星期三 04 下午 十月 2o 2024
An AI-generated album of React songs..
#402 — October 2, 2024
Just a bit of housekeeping: we’re taking next week off, so the next issue will be on October 16. Keep sending in your links, though, and we’ll see you then!
Your editor, Peter Cooper
Together with
React Status
🤖 assistant-ui: React Components for AI Chat — It doesn’t just give you the interface components, but has integrations for Vercel AI, Langchain, and talking to other common LLM APIs (e.g. OpenAI’s), enabling you to build your own in-house AI chat system quickly. Examples.
Simon Farshid
Types of React Components: An Overview — A complete overview, including basic code examples, of the different types of React component, from those built with createClass
, class components, HOCs, function components, and more modern options. A major update of a post we first featured in 2019.
Robin Wieruch
Looking for a DIY Survey Solution? SurveyJS Has You Covered — With the SurveyJS UI libraries, you can quickly build a fully customizable form management platform in React. Seamlessly integrate the drag-and-drop editor with any backend and create dynamic, JSON-based forms within your application without any limitations.
SurveyJS sponsor
🎸 Kent C. Dodds has ▶️ recorded a music video to celebrate the launch of his React 19-focused Epic React course. Even scarier, he’s put ▶️ an entire AI-generated React themed album up on Spotify.. 🫣
Over on X, the founder of Gumroad said that “Ruby on Rails is a form of technical debt” and said they’re migrating Gumroad to using TypeScript and React.
It’s in the repo only, for now, but React Router has landed the ability to generate types for your route modules.
Why I Gave Expo a Second Chance — If your last contact with Expo was a few years ago — and you weren’t all that impressed — you may want to take a second look as this dev did. It’s a powerful way to build React Native apps.
Yushan Fernando (The Expo Blog)
💡 Sticking with Expo, did you know you can incrementally adopt Expo?
▶ React Visually Explained: use client
— We feature this not only for content but also for style: we like the gimmick-free simplicity, tight editing and focus of the presenter and the material she presents.
Delba Oliveira (Vercel)
▶ React 18 at The New York Times with Ilya Gurevich — A senior engineer at The New York Times talks about implementing React 18 for their core news site. This follows on from a recent blog post he wrote about the process.
Gregor Vand (Software Engineering Daily) podcast
📄 Partial Prerendering for Everyone with Cloudflare Workers – Implementing Next.js-style PPR in a normal React SSR app. Sunil Pai
📄 Web Components are not Framework Components — and That’s Okay Lea Verou
📄 How to Control a React Component from the URL Sam Selikoff
📄 How to Synchronize Reactive Local-First Expo Apps with TinyBase James Pearce (Expo)
📄 Create Stunning Maps Effortlessly with React Leaflet JavaScript Development Space
🛠 Code, Tools & Libraries
Vaul 1.0: A Simple Well Designed Drawer Component — We’ve linked to this recently, but it’s just hit v1.0. It’s simple, clean, and fast, while also being very flexible. There’s also new ‘getting started’ docs and Emil explains the design process here.
Emil Kowalski
React Spectrum September 30, 2024 Release — A big release for Adobe’s suite of accessible components, complete with seven new color picker components (including Tailwind starter kit examples), two ‘Disclosure’ components for building accordions/collapsible panels, and Tree/TreeView go into beta.
A React Component for Rendering Shell-Style Progress Indicators — You know the ones, where various combinations of Unicode characters are alternated, etc. This is a very simple implementation.
Frank Fiegel
React DevTools 6.0 – The browser extension hasn’t been updated as yet, though.
TanStack Query 5.59 – Async state management and data fetching. Now with experimental support for React.use()
React Suite 5.71 – A suite of React components. (Examples.)
React Native Skia 1.4.2 – High-performance 2D graphics for React Native.
🗓️ React Big Calendar 1.15 – GCal/Outlook-like calendar component.
🗓️ Schedule-X 2.3 – Material Design event calendar and date picker.
BlockNote 0.15.11 – ‘Notion-style’ block-based editor.
📰 Classifieds
Automatically creates & maintains E2E UI tests. Zero flakes. Used by Lattice, Bilt Rewards and others. Backed by YC, CTO GitHub and others.
🎹 STRICH: Add blazing fast and reliable 1D/2D Barcode Scanning to your web apps. Free demo app and 30-day trial available.
🎁 And one extra for fun..
React95 v9.0: A Windows 95 Themed React Components Library — Years ago we thought this was a cute pet project and that it’d be left to go stale quite quickly, but no, it’s getting constant updates - we love it! Now we just need to see more sites using it.. :-)
The React95 Team
Curated by Peter Cooper and Terence C. Gannon.
A Cooperpress publication.
#402 — 2024 年 10 月 2 日
简单的整理一下:**我们下周休息,所以下一期将于 10 月 16 日发布。**不过,请继续发送您的链接,我们到时候见!
[](https://react .statuscode.com/link/160579/5d0bbb4a61)
[](https://react.statuscode.com/link/160580/5d0bbb4a61 )
🤖 assistant-ui:用于 AI 聊天的 React 组件 — 它不仅为您提供界面组件,还集成了Vercel AI、Langchain 以及与其他常见的 LLM API(例如 OpenAI)对话,使您能够快速构建自己的内部 AI 聊天系统。 示例
React 组件类型:概述 — 不同类型 React 组件的完整概述,包括基本代码示例,来自使用 createClass
、类组件、HOC、函数组件和更现代的选项构建的组件。我们于 2019 年首次发布的帖子的重大更新。
寻找 DIY 调查解决方案? SurveyJS 已涵盖 — 借助 SurveyJS UI 库,您可以在 React 中快速构建完全可定制的表单管理平台。将拖放编辑器与任何后端无缝集成,并在您的应用程序中创建基于 JSON 的动态表单,没有任何限制。
SurveyJS 赞助商
🎸 Kent C. Dodds ▶️ 录制了一段音乐视频 来庆祝他的以 React 19 为中心的 Epic React 课程 的推出/react.statuscode.com/link/160584/5d0bbb4a61)。更可怕的是,他将 ▶️ 整张 AI 生成的 React 主题专辑 放在了 Spotify 上.. 🫣
在 X 上,Gumroad 的创始人表示“Ruby on Rails 是一种技术债务”* 并表示[他们正在将 Gumroad 迁移到使用 TypeScript 和 React。](https://react.statuscode. com/link/160586/5d0bbb4a61)
目前仅在存储库中,但 React Router 已经实现了为路由模块生成类型的能力。
为什么我给 Expo 第二次机会 — 如果您最后一次接触 [Expo](https://react.statuscode.com /link/160589/5d0bbb4a61)是几年前的事了——你并没有那么印象深刻——你可能想像这个开发人员那样再看一眼。这是构建 React Native 应用程序的强大方法。
💡 坚持使用 Expo,你知道你可以逐步采用 Expo吗?
▶ React 视觉解释:use client
— 我们不仅为了内容,还为了风格:我们喜欢演示者及其演示的材料毫无噱头的简单性、严格的编辑和焦点。
▶ React 18 at The New York Times with Ilya Gurevich — The New York Times 的一位高级工程师谈论为其核心新闻网站实施 React 18。这是继他最近撰写的关于该过程的一篇博客文章之后的内容。
Gregor Vand(《软件工程日报》)播客
📄 为每个使用 Cloudflare Workers 的人提供部分预渲染 – 在普通 React SSR 应用中实现 Next.js 风格的 PPR。苏尼尔·派
📄 Web 组件不是框架组件 — 但这没关系 Lea Verou
📄 如何从 URL 控制 React 组件 Sam Selikoff
📄 如何将响应式本地优先 Expo 应用程序与 TinyBase 同步 James Pearce (Expo)
📄 使用 React Leaflet 轻松创建令人惊叹的地图 JavaScript 开发空间
🛠 代码、工具和库
[](https://react.statuscode.com/link/160599/5d0bbb4a61 )
Vaul 1.0:一个简单且设计良好的抽屉组件 - 我们最近链接到了这个,但它刚刚发布了 v1。 0。它简单、干净、快速,同时也非常灵活。还有新的“入门”文档,Emil 解释了[此处的设计过程。](https://react.statuscode.com/link/ 160601/5d0bbb4a61)
React Spectrum 2024 年 9 月 30 日发布 — Adobe 的可访问组件套件的重大发布,包括七个新组件颜色选择器组件(包括 Tailwind 入门套件示例)、两个用于构建手风琴/可折叠面板的“Disclosure”组件以及 Tree/TreeView 进入测试版。
用于渲染 Shell 样式进度指示器的 React 组件 — 你知道这些,其中交替使用 Unicode 字符的各种组合等这是一个非常简单的实现。
React DevTools 6.0 – 浏览器扩展 尚未不过,尚未更新。
TanStack 查询 5.59 – 异步状态管理和数据获取。现在提供对“React.use()”的实验性支持。
React Suite 5.71 – 一套 React 组件。 (示例。)
React Native Skia 1.4.2 – React Native 的高性能 2D 图形。
🗓️ React Big Calendar 1.15 – 类似 GCal/Outlook 的日历组件。
🗓️ Schedule-X 2.3 – Material Design 事件日历和日期选择器。
BlockNote 0.15.11 – “Notion-style”基于块的编辑器。
📰 分类广告
自动创建和维护 E2E UI 测试。 零碎片。由 Lattice、Bilt Rewards 等公司使用。由 YC、GitHub 首席技术官和其他人支持。
🎹 STRICH: 将快速可靠的一维/二维条形码扫描添加到您的网络应用程序中。提供免费演示应用程序和 30 天试用版。
🎁 还有一个额外的乐趣..
[](https://react.statuscode.com/link/160615/5d0bbb4a61 )
React95 v9.0:Windows 95 主题 React 组件库 — 几年前,我们认为这是一个可爱的宠物项目,并且它很快就会变得陈旧,但不,它会不断更新 - 我们喜欢它!现在我们只需要查看更多使用它的网站..:-)
React95 团队
Cooperpress 出版物。