星期一 02 凌晨 九月 4o 2023
Why React re-renders & when do we need to worry about it?
Why React re-renders & when do we need to worry about it?
An explainer detailing when React re-renders our components, how to avoid unnecessary re-renders and when do we need to worry about the unnecessary re-renders.
Should developers tackle the ever-escalating risk of fraud? Join the webinar! (sponsor)
The battle against bot attacks and fraudsters is intensifying -time to gain an advantage. In this webinar, Fingerprint CEO Dan Pinto uncovers the secrets of device identification and outlines the irreplaceable role that engineers play in solving fraud. Find out how developers can thwart fraudsters by building a ‘web’ of user behavior using high-accuracy device IDs.
Server-side Rendering from Scratch
How can we ensure a good user experience sharing this link through the web? I would like to display the QR code related to that charge and, when sending it anywhere on the web, it should display the OGs and metatags related to that HTML page.
A tool to update app sourcemaps with the original code of ReactDOM’s production builds
React has never shipped sourcemaps for any of its production build artifacts. This makes it impossible to meaningfully debug errors inside of React in production. React’s source code is already hard to understand in its original form - trying figure out what’s happening when all you have is single-character variable names and no comments is impossible.
Best library for Form Handling
We are going to use some libraries like formik, yup, tailwindcss to achieve form handling.
In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of React Hooks, understand their purpose, and learn how to use them with real-life examples. So, let’s get hooked on Hooks!
The Minimalist React Framework With Server Components
Waku is a React framework that supports React Server Components (RSCs), a new feature that will be available in a future version of React. RSCs allow developers to render UI components on the server, improving performance and enabling server-side features. To use RSCs, a framework is necessary for bundling, optionally server, router and so on.
Starlight: Build documentation sites with Astro
Starlight helps you build beautiful, high-performance documentation websites with Astro.
详细说明 React 何时重新渲染我们的组件、如何避免不必要的重新渲染以及我们什么时候需要担心不必要的重新渲染。
开发人员是否应该应对不断升级的欺诈风险?加入网络研讨会! (赞助商)
与机器人攻击和欺诈者的斗争正在加剧 - 是时候获得优势了。在本次网络研讨会中,Fingerprint 首席执行官 Dan Pinto 揭开了设备识别的秘密,并概述了工程师在解决欺诈问题中所发挥的不可替代的作用。了解开发人员如何通过使用高精度设备 ID 构建用户行为“网络”来阻止欺诈者。
我们如何确保通过网络共享此链接的良好用户体验?我想显示与该费用相关的二维码,当将其发送到网络上的任何地方时,它应该显示与该 HTML 页面相关的 OG 和元标记。
使用 ReactDOM 生产构建的原始代码更新应用程序源图的工具
React 从未为其任何生产构建工件提供源图。这使得在生产中无法有效地调试 React 内部的错误。React 的源代码在其原始形式下已经很难理解 - 当您只有单字符变量名且没有注释时,试图弄清楚发生了什么是不可能的。
我们将使用一些库(如 formik、yup、tailwindcss)来实现表单处理。
在这篇博文中,我们将深入研究 React Hooks 的世界,了解它们的用途,并通过实际示例学习如何使用它们。那么,让我们开始使用 Hooks 吧!
Waku 是一个支持 React 服务器组件 (RSC) 的 React 框架,这是 React 未来版本中将提供的一项新功能。RSC 允许开发人员在服务器上渲染 UI 组件,从而提高性能并启用服务器端功能。要使用 RSC,需要一个框架来捆绑,可选服务器、路由器等。
Starlight 可帮助您使用 Astro 构建美观、高性能的文档网站。