There’s a bit of fuzz, mainly on Twitter, about React dying and other libraries being better than React, and that you’re doing something wrong or missing out if you’re choosing React right now.
[Free On-Demand Course] Terraforming Kubernetes (sponsor)
In this 1-hour course, you’ll learn how to spin up a Kubernetes cluster using Terraform. Hosted by best-selling Udemy instructor and author, Justin Mitchel, the course also covers the requirements for Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) to deploy a pre-built public container from DockerHub on our cluster.
Make Your React Tests Easier to Write, Understand and Maintain
React components can be complex and difficult to test, especially when they have a lot elements and interactions. To simplify testing, it’s best to separate the test code from the code that is used to interact with the component. This will make your tests easier to read, understand, and maintain.
Historical context around create-react-app
Dan Abramov provides historical context and evolution of create-react-app.
Custom React Hooks and When to Use Them
Custom hooks are one of the most underused React abstractions. Let’s explore when it makes sense to use them compared to other abstractions.
Structured data, SEO and React
People being able to discover your website when they search is important. This post is about how you can add structured data to a site. Adding structured data will help search engines like Google understand your content, and get it in front of more eyeballs. We’ll illustrate this by making a simple React app which incorporates structured data.
React recursively re-renders child components, but there is a nuance
React re-renders recursively, and when it comes across the element that preserves its referential identity from the previous render, it can stop the recursion.
How to build a better React map with Pigeon Maps and Mapbox
We needed a lightweight, essentially free solution for a customer map that would display our events in our React app. So we turned to Pigeon Maps and Mapbox, and here is how we made it.
主要是在 Twitter 上有一些关于 React 即将消亡和其他库比 React 更好的争论,并且如果你现在选择 React,你就做错了或者错过了一些事情。
[免费点播课程] Terraforming Kubernetes(赞助商)
在这个 1 小时的课程中,您将学习如何使用 Terraform 启动 Kubernetes 集群。该课程由畅销书 Udemy 讲师兼作者 Justin Mitchel 主持,还涵盖了 Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) 在我们的集群上从 DockerHub 部署预构建公共容器的要求。
React 组件可能很复杂且难以测试,尤其是当它们有很多元素和交互时。为了简化测试,最好将测试代码与用于与组件交互的代码分开。这将使您的测试更易于阅读、理解和维护。
Dan Abramov 提供了 create-react-app 的历史背景和演变。
自定义钩子是最未被充分利用的 React 抽象之一。让我们探讨一下与其他抽象相比,什么时候使用它们才有意义。
人们在搜索时能够发现您的网站非常重要。这篇文章是关于如何将结构化数据添加到站点的。添加结构化数据将有助于谷歌等搜索引擎理解您的内容,并将其吸引到更多眼球。我们将通过制作一个包含结构化数据的简单 React 应用程序来说明这一点。
React 以递归方式重新渲染,当它遇到保留了先前渲染的引用标识的元素时,它可以停止递归。
如何使用 Pigeon Maps 和 Mapbox 构建更好的 React 地图
我们需要一个轻量级、本质上免费的客户地图解决方案,以便在 React 应用程序中显示我们的事件。因此,我们转向 Pigeon Maps 和 Mapbox,以下是我们的制作方法。