Understanding React Concurrency
React v18.0 has broken ground by introducing a long-awaited feature: Concurrency! Unfortunately, despite a deluge of resources explaining how to use it, explanations of how it works are sparse. As it is a low-level feature, it’s not critical to understand React’s idea of concurrency, but it doesn’t hurt!
State Management in React Applications
This is a guide outlining a very flexible approach to managing application state in React apps. Specifically, this is applicable to the SPA (Single-Page Application) build architecture.
How to Avoid Mocking in React Router Tests
A renderWithRouter wrapper function to simplify component tests and avoid mocking React Router.
3 ways to find your worst JavaScript offenders for page load
Compared to an image or stylesheet, for example, a JavaScript file of the same size will take the same amount of time to download. The problem comes in the amount of processing after download that needs to occur before the JavaScript is fully execute.
You Might Not Need React Query
React Query is a great library, but like any tool, you should choose it for the right problem
React v18.0 引入了一项期待已久的功能:并发!不幸的是,尽管有大量资源解释如何使用它,但对其工作原理的解释却很少。由于它是一个低级功能,因此理解 React 的并发思想并不重要,但也没有坏处!
本指南概述了在 React 应用程序中管理应用程序状态的非常灵活的方法。具体来说,这适用于SPA(单页应用程序)构建架构。
如何避免 React Router 测试中的 Mocking
renderWithRouter 包装函数,用于简化组件测试并避免模拟 React Router。
3 种方法找到页面加载最严重的 JavaScript 违规者
例如,与图像或样式表相比,相同大小的 JavaScript 文件下载所需的时间相同。问题在于下载后 JavaScript 完全执行之前需要进行的处理量。
React Query 是一个很棒的库,但像任何工具一样,您应该针对正确的问题选择它