星期一 01 凌晨 十月 23o 2023
React useTransition: performance game changer or...?
React useTransition: performance game changer or…?
Looking into what React Concurrent Rendering is, what hooks like useTransition and useDeferredValue do, what are the benefits and downsides of using them.
Got better things to worry about than building Identity? Auth0 by Okta can help. (sponsor)
If you’re an eligible startup, you can use Auth0’s Identity platform free for one year. By joining Auth0 for Startups, you’ll get access to a rich feature set including SSO, MFA, and universal login. This is a unique opportunity to get your application to market faster while giving your customers the best login box in the market.
Unlocking the Power of Storybook
Going beyond the Design System: how to use Storybook to develop, test, and validate all parts of a frontend application.
JSX Unchained: Make a template engine without React
Let’s talk about JSX, the love-hate relationship of all React developers. Many hate it, many love it, but have you ever wondered how you could make the most of the power of JSX outside the usual React context?
Why Next.js is the Full-Stack Framework for Modern Websites
When selecting a frontend framework, reliability is paramount for my clients. Despite exploring options like SvelteKit, “Why Next.js?” remains a frequent query. In this article, I unpack why Next.js stands out as a dependable choice and its promising future.
How we optimized package imports in Next.js
How solving barrel files led to faster cold boots and build times. In the latest version of Next.js, we’ve made improvements to optimize package imports, improving both local dev performance and production cold starts, when using large icon or component libraries or other dependencies that re-export hundreds or thousands of modules.
And a couple of neat releases:
React useTransition:性能游戏规则改变者还是……?
了解 React 并发渲染是什么,useTransition 和 useDeferredValue 等钩子的作用是什么,使用它们的优点和缺点是什么。
还有比建立身份更重要的事情要担心吗? Okta 的 Auth0 可以提供帮助。(赞助商)
如果您是符合条件的初创公司,则可以免费使用 Auth0 的 Identity 平台一年。通过加入 Auth0 for Startups,您将获得丰富的功能集,包括 SSO、MFA 和通用登录。这是一个独特的机会,可以让您的应用程序更快地推向市场,同时为您的客户提供市场上最好的登录框。
超越设计系统:如何使用 Storybook 来开发、测试和验证前端应用程序的所有部分。
JSX Unchained:制作一个没有 React 的模板引擎
我们来谈谈JSX,这是所有React开发者又爱又恨的关系。很多人讨厌它,很多人喜欢它,但你有没有想过如何在通常的 React 上下文之外充分利用 JSX 的强大功能?
在选择前端框架时,可靠性对我的客户来说至关重要。尽管探索了像 SvelteKit 这样的选项,“为什么选择 Next.js?”仍然是一个频繁的查询。在本文中,我将阐述为什么 Next.js 能够脱颖而出,成为可靠的选择及其充满希望的未来。
解决桶文件如何导致更快的冷启动和构建时间。在最新版本的 Next.js 中,我们进行了改进,以优化包导入,在使用大型图标或组件库或重新导出数百或数千个模块的其他依赖项时,提高本地开发性能和生产冷启动。