星期一 12 凌晨 十一月 13o 2023
React Router v6: A Beginner's Guide
React Router v6: A Beginner’s Guide
Learn how to navigate through a React application with multiple views with React Router, the d facto standard routing library for React.
[Webinar] Are you on the most efficient path to a state of Clean Code? (sponsor)
Join Sonar for a free webinar on November 15 for a demonstration on the Clean as You Code methodology and its applications. You will see real-life examples of how to set up projects and practice Clean as You Code in open-source static analysis tools. Register today!
Ultimate Guide to SVG Animations with Framer Motion
Delve into the world of SVG animations with our comprehensive guide on using Framer Motion in React. Learn to animate SVG paths and shapes, enhance interactivity, and optimize performance for captivating vector graphics.
How to Avoid Prop Drilling in React
In order to write scalable, reusable, and maintainable applications with React, you’ll need to go beyond the surface of using React components, useEffect, useContext, useState, and the like. It involves learning in detail how React works in more depth.
React Query gives you a lot of features like caching, retries, polling, data synchronization, prefetching, … and about a million more that would go way beyond the scope of this article. It’s totally fine if you don’t need them, but this shouldn’t stop you from using React Query.
React Server Components, without a framework?
Can we use React Server Components today, without a framework like Next.js? As our experiment shows, not without significant challenges – for now at least?
Headless Component: a pattern for composing React UIs
As React UI controls become more sophisticated, complex logic can get intertwined with the visual representation. This makes it hard to reason about the behavior of the component, hard to test it, and necessary to build similar components that need a different look. A Headless Component extracts all non-visual logic and state management, separating the brain of a component from its looks.
了解如何使用 React Router(React 事实上的标准路由库)在具有多个视图的 React 应用程序中导航。
[网络研讨会] 您是否正在走上通往干净代码状态的最有效途径?(赞助商)
参加 11 月 15 日举办的 Sonar 免费网络研讨会,演示 Clean as You Code 方法及其应用。您将看到如何在开源静态分析工具中设置项目和实践“编写时清洁”的真实示例。今天就注册吧!
使用 Framer Motion 制作 SVG 动画的终极指南
通过我们在 React 中使用 Framer Motion 的综合指南,深入了解 SVG 动画的世界。学习制作 SVG 路径和形状的动画、增强交互性并优化迷人矢量图形的性能。
为了使用 React 编写可扩展、可重用和可维护的应用程序,您需要超越使用 React 组件、useEffect、useContext、useState 等的表面。它涉及更深入地学习 React 如何工作。
React Query 为您提供了许多功能,例如缓存、重试、轮询、数据同步、预取……以及大约一百万个功能,这些功能远远超出了本文的范围。如果您不需要它们,那完全没问题,但这不应该阻止您使用 React Query。
现在我们可以在没有像 Next.js 这样的框架的情况下使用 React Server Components 吗?正如我们的实验所表明的那样,并非没有重大挑战——至少目前是这样?
Headless Component:一种构建 React UI 的模式
随着 React UI 控件变得越来越复杂,复杂的逻辑可能与视觉表示交织在一起。这使得很难推理组件的行为,很难对其进行测试,并且需要构建需要不同外观的类似组件。无头组件提取所有非视觉逻辑和状态管理,将组件的大脑与其外观分开。