React Performance & Optimization
Ship fast and performant UIs, a great start to positive UX.
SDKs to build quality product onboarding and education (sponsor)
Dopt gives developers a component library & SDKs to build seamless product onboarding and education in minutes. A visual flow builder lets the team map out targeting, components, content, & branching logic; and SDKs and APIs make it easy to develop flows in your app quickly. You can use Dopt’s prebuilt, customizable React components (like checklists & tours) or build with your own.
React Hook for Avoiding Flash of Empty UI While Data Transitions
Walk through a React hook that avoids the flash of empty UI when old data is cleared and new data is fetching.
Breaking Up with SVG-in-JS in 2023
Technical deep-dive on why you shouldn’t have SVGs in your JS bundle and better techniques for JSX usage.
Simple to use field-first React forms
Simple to use React forms, where your validation and UI code live together in harmony.
A take on the current React & Server Components controversy
Some people are frustrated with React Server Components, and some are frustrated with the way the React team communicates.
React can update state during render
An unexpected feature of React: updating state during render. It’s a UX and performance optimization
交付快速且高性能的 UI,这是积极的用户体验的良好开端。
用于构建优质产品入门和教育的 SDK(赞助商)
Dopt 为开发人员提供组件库和 SDK,以便在几分钟内构建无缝的产品入门和教育。可视化流程构建器让团队可以制定目标、组件、内容和分支逻辑; SDK 和 API 使您可以轻松快速地在应用程序中开发流程。您可以使用 Dopt 的预构建、可定制的 React 组件(如清单和游览)或使用您自己的组件进行构建。
演练一个 React hook,避免在清除旧数据并获取新数据时出现空 UI 的情况。
从技术上深入探讨为什么 JS 包中不应包含 SVG,以及更好的 JSX 使用技术。
React 表单易于使用,验证和 UI 代码和谐共处。
有些人对 React Server 组件感到沮丧,有些人对 React 团队的沟通方式感到沮丧。
React 的一个意想不到的功能:在渲染期间更新状态。这是用户体验和性能优化