星期一 02 凌晨 九月 11o 2023
Making Sense of React Server Components
Making Sense of React Server Components
This year, the React team unveiled something they’ve been quietly researching for years: an official way to run React components exclusively on the server. This is a significant paradigm shift, and it’s caused a whole lot of confusion in the React community. In this tutorial, we’ll explore this new world, and build an intuition for how it works, and how we can take advantage of it.
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How to Pass a Component as a Prop in React
Learn different ways to pass a component as a prop in React: passing JSX, using React.ComponentType, and using React.ElementType.
Challenging Established Norms: Making Component Fetching the Exception
Initially, integrating data concerns within our components appeared intuitive to me and simplified the developer experience. However, I eventually found reasons to treat it as a last resort.
Parents & Owners in React: Data Flow
There are two, similar but different component trees in React. Being aware of this difference can help you better structure your React application.
Mastering ‘useRef’ in React with TypeScript
In React, useRef is a versatile hook that allows developers to interact with the DOM and manage mutable values without triggering re-renders. When combined with TypeScript, it becomes even more powerful, providing type safety and preventing common runtime errors. In this article, we will explore the various use cases of useRef in React, with a focus on using it effectively in TypeScript projects.
今年,React 团队公布了他们多年来一直在悄悄研究的东西:一种专门在服务器上运行 React 组件的官方方法。这是一个重大的范式转变,它在 React 社区中引起了很多混乱。在本教程中,我们将探索这个新世界,并对其如何工作以及如何利用它建立直觉。
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了解在 React 中将组件作为 prop 传递的不同方法:传递 JSX、使用 React.ComponentType 和使用 React.ElementType。
React 中有两个相似但不同的组件树。意识到这种差异可以帮助您更好地构建 React 应用程序。
使用 TypeScript 掌握 React 中的“useRef”
在 React 中,useRef 是一个多功能钩子,允许开发人员与 DOM 交互并管理可变值,而无需触发重新渲染。与 TypeScript 结合使用时,它会变得更加强大,提供类型安全并防止常见的运行时错误。在本文中,我们将探讨 React 中 useRef 的各种用例,重点是在 TypeScript 项目中有效地使用它。