星期一 12 凌晨 一月 23o 2023
Little React Things: Less reacting, more deriving
Little React Things: Less reacting, more deriving
In this second post in the Little React Things series, I talk about how we should remove unnecessary reactions from our React applications and replace them with derivations.
Meet Swimm: a documentation tool built for developers (sponsor)
Swimm’s patented AI automatically validates and updates docs as part of your developers’ CI/CD workflows — fixing simple errors automatically and alerting you about significant changes.
Why Is My Jest Test Suite So Slow?
Our team is a couple of months into developing a new application, and our suite of unit 240 tests takes 46 seconds to run. That duration is not excessive yet, but it’s increasing in proportion to the number of tests. In a couple of months, it’ll take a couple of minutes to run our tests.
Unleashing the Full Potential of i18next
In this article, we explore tips and tricks on how to use i18next, a powerful JavaScript library, to handle internationalization and localization effectively by utilizing features such as namespaces, pluralization, and others.
This is a simple guide to some approaches that i’ve seen taken to managing modals in React applications and components.
It’s time to brush up on your knowledge and learn how to use the JavaScript console object to its maximum potential.
We look at React’s native async support and how to use it in a NextJS 13 app. Learn how to use async components, parallel loading states, and caching with React.js and NextJS 13.
A React hook for creating perishable elements for animation purposes.
在 React Little Things 系列的第二篇文章中,我讨论了我们应该如何从 React 应用程序中删除不必要的反应并用派生来替换它们。
Swimm 的专利人工智能会自动验证和更新文档,作为开发人员 CI/CD 工作流程的一部分 - 自动修复简单的错误并提醒您重大更改。
我们的团队花了几个月的时间开发新应用程序,我们的 240 单元测试套件运行需要 46 秒。这个持续时间还不算太长,但它随着测试数量的增加而增加。几个月后,运行我们的测试将需要几分钟。
在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用 i18next(一个强大的 JavaScript 库)通过利用命名空间、复数化等功能来有效处理国际化和本地化的提示和技巧。
这是我所见过的用于管理 React 应用程序和组件中的模式的一些方法的简单指南。
是时候温习一下您的知识并学习如何充分发挥 JavaScript 控制台对象的潜力了。
我们研究 React 的原生异步支持以及如何在 NextJS 13 应用程序中使用它。了解如何通过 React.js 和 NextJS 13 使用异步组件、并行加载状态和缓存。
一个 React hook,用于创建用于动画目的的易腐烂元素。