星期一 02 凌晨 七月 3o 2023
Learn to build unique charts with React
Learn to build unique charts with React
Based on hundreds (not yet) of graph examples, this gallery guides you through the basic concepts of data visualization with React and D3.js. It also provides ready-to-use templates to get started quicker.
Free Manning Early Access: Road to Kubernetes eBook (sponsor)
Start by building sample applications in Python and Node.js and then explore methods for deploying them with virtual machines, containers, and, finally, Kubernetes! Each chapter builds on what has gone before as you learn to utilize tools like GitHub Actions and CI/CD practices to make portable apps that can quickly move between deployment setups. As you journey through the different deployment methods, you’ll discover best practices that you can apply with any language or stack.
Live regions announce content as it is added to the page after load. You don’t want the screen reader user to be inundated in announcements. You do want to update them when new content is added to the page like in chat logs, news feeds, and other things that update periodically.
Build a paginated Pokemons list with a “Load more” button
Build a component that displays a list of Pokemons with a “Load more” button. You can use the free Poke API to retrieve the data.
Test your React hooks with Vitest efficiently
Tips for planning and testing custom React hooks with Vitest and React Testing Library.
Things you might not know about Next Image
If you’ve worked with Next.js, it’s likely that you’ve come across Next Image component. This hassle-free image optimization solution not only provides support for modern formats such as webp and avif but also generates multiple versions tailored to different screen sizes.
Creating a seamless multi-language user interface in React
Learn how to create apps that can display information in different languages based on user preferences. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of building a weather application with multi-language support using react-i18next.
The Concise TypeScript Book provides a comprehensive and succinct overview of TypeScript’s capabilities. It offers clear explanations covering all aspects found in the latest version of the language, from its powerful type system to advanced features.
该库基于数百个(尚未)图形示例,指导您了解使用 React 和 D3.js 进行数据可视化的基本概念。它还提供即用型模板以更快地开始使用。
免费 Manning 抢先体验:通往 Kubernetes 之路电子书(赞助商)
首先使用 Python 和 Node.js 构建示例应用程序,然后探索使用虚拟机、容器以及最后的 Kubernetes 部署它们的方法!当您学习使用 GitHub Actions 和 CI/CD 实践等工具来制作可在部署设置之间快速移动的便携式应用程序时,每一章都建立在之前的内容之上。当您了解不同的部署方法时,您将发现可以应用于任何语言或堆栈的最佳实践。
构建一个组件,通过“加载更多”按钮显示 Pokemon 列表。您可以使用免费的 Poke API 来检索数据。
使用 Vitest 和 React 测试库规划和测试自定义 React hook 的技巧。
如果您使用过 Next.js,您可能遇到过 Next Image 组件。这种无忧的图像优化解决方案不仅提供对 webp 和 avif 等现代格式的支持,而且还生成针对不同屏幕尺寸定制的多个版本。
了解如何创建可以根据用户偏好以不同语言显示信息的应用程序。在本文中,我们将逐步介绍使用 React-i18next 构建具有多语言支持的天气应用程序的过程。
《Concise TypeScript Book》全面而简洁地概述了 TypeScript 的功能。它提供了清晰的解释,涵盖了该语言最新版本中的所有方面,从强大的类型系统到高级功能。