Hooks were introduced in React v16.8.0, and since then they changed the way React apps were written. Before them, we used to create class component for anything involving state or lifecycle logic. Hooks made function component the new defacto of writing react apps.
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Debug a React app with Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code has an integrated debugger, easy to use and works pretty much with everything.
Next.js is growing in popularity. In this article, we’ll explore the performance benefits and developer-friendly features that establish Next.js as one of the top choices among React frameworks.
Combining AI with React for a Smarter Frontend
Jesse Hall, senior developer advocate with MongoDB, explained the building blocks for integrating artificial intelligence into React apps.
An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid
CSS Grid is an incredibly powerful tool for building layouts on the web, but like all powerful tools, there’s a significant learning curve. In this tutorial, we’ll build a mental model for how CSS Grid works and how we can use it effectively.
Hooks 在 React v16.8.0 中引入,从那时起它们改变了 React 应用程序的编写方式。在他们之前,我们曾经为涉及状态或生命周期逻辑的任何内容创建类组件。 Hooks 使函数组件成为编写 React 应用程序的新事实。
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使用 Visual Studio Code 调试 React 应用程序
Visual Studio Code 有一个集成的调试器,易于使用并且几乎适用于所有东西。
Next.js 越来越受欢迎。在本文中,我们将探讨使 Next.js 成为 React 框架的最佳选择之一的性能优势和开发人员友好的功能。
MongoDB 高级开发倡导者 Jesse Hall 解释了将人工智能集成到 React 应用程序中的构建块。
CSS 网格是一个非常强大的工具,用于在网络上构建布局,但与所有强大的工具一样,有一个显着的学习曲线。在本教程中,我们将构建一个关于 CSS 网格如何工作以及如何有效使用它的心理模型。