星期一 01 凌晨 二月 27o 2023
Effective Higher-Order Components
Effective Higher-Order Components
Before the introduction of contexts and hooks in React v16.8, Higher-Order Components (or HOCs for short) were a common sight. Today, it is an under-used pattern. While the concept presents infinite possibilities, practical applications should be limited to transparently adding wrappers or logic.
Developer infrastructure for product onboarding (sponsor)
Dopt SDKs help you easily develop product onboarding and education without having to manage business logic or user states. Build any pattern, anywhere in your product, all in your UI.
This brings us to the question: if we’re sold that frameworks in general are a good thing, why is React in particular dominant right now?
Leveraging Server Context for Advanced Next.js Optimization Patterns
Understanding server context can help Next.js developers optimize advanced use cases, such as caching data during server-side rendering and making the cache available in the client. This guide will help you understand intermediate topics to get you on your way.
Behind the Scenes with React.js: the Documentary
The first-ever documentary about the story of React has premiered on YouTube. I sat down with the movie’s creator, Ida Lærke, for a behind-the-scenes look at how the movie was made.
wouter: 🥢 A minimalist-friendly routing for React
Wouter provides a simple API that many developers and library authors appreciate.
How to avoid tricky async state manager pitfalls in React
Learn how to prevent some tricky problems in React that can arise when using asynchronous state managers and avoid breaking UIs, animations, and destroying UX.
在 React v16.8 引入上下文和钩子之前,高阶组件(简称 HOC)是常见的景象。如今,它是一种未得到充分利用的模式。虽然这个概念提供了无限的可能性,但实际应用应仅限于透明地添加包装器或逻辑。
Dopt SDK 可帮助您轻松开发产品入门和教育,而无需管理业务逻辑或用户状态。在您的产品中的任何位置,在您的 UI 中构建任何模式。
这给我们带来了一个问题:如果我们相信框架总体上是一件好事,那么为什么 React 现在特别占主导地位?
了解服务器上下文可以帮助 Next.js 开发人员优化高级用例,例如在服务器端渲染期间缓存数据并使缓存在客户端中可用。本指南将帮助您理解中级主题,以帮助您上路。
有史以来第一部关于 React 故事的纪录片已在 YouTube 上首映。我与这部电影的创作者 Ida Lærke 坐下来,了解了这部电影的制作过程的幕后花絮。
Wouter 提供了一个简单的 API,受到许多开发人员和库作者的赞赏。
了解如何防止 React 中使用异步状态管理器时可能出现的一些棘手问题,并避免破坏 UI、动画和破坏 UX。