星期一 02 凌晨 四月 17o 2023
Build a Multistep Form With React Hook Form
Build a Multistep Form With React Hook Form
Multistep forms a.k.a. wizard or funnel forms have a wide range of uses. They are most common when collecting different types of information into one data structure but are also useful to break down very large forms into the less user-intimidating multistep process. In this post, we’ll build a basic multistep registration form, which collects the user’s info and then presents it in a confirmation view, which can be reviewed and edited before the submission.
Techniques to Take Your UI to the Next Level
UX designers strive to give applications a unique personality and a smooth user experience. As a developer, you can elevate your UI to the next level by paying attention to the details.
Using SWR for Efficient Data Fetching in Next.js Applications
It is common to see Next.js applications that make use of client-side data fetching. The challenge with this technique of data fetching is that you have to render data based on user interaction, which can lead to several issues if not handled properly.
React treeview component (pt. 2)
What keyboard shortcuts belong on a treeview? What do the ARIA guidelines recommend? Building on a previous post, we answer those questions and make our treeview accessible.
React treeview component (pt. 3)
A bonus post animating our treeview. This post is much more “show” than it is “tell”.
用户体验设计师努力赋予应用程序独特的个性和流畅的用户体验。作为开发人员,您可以通过关注细节将您的 UI 提升到一个新的水平。
在 Next.js 应用程序中使用 SWR 进行高效数据获取
使用客户端数据获取的 Next.js 应用程序很常见。这种数据获取技术的挑战在于,您必须基于用户交互来呈现数据,如果处理不当,可能会导致多个问题。
树视图上有哪些键盘快捷键? ARIA 指南有何建议?在上一篇文章的基础上,我们回答了这些问题并使我们的树视图易于访问。