星期二 04 下午 十一月 26o 2024
Taking the JavaScript trademark fight to the USPTO
#557 — November 26, 2024
Together with
Deno v. Oracle: Cancelling the JavaScript Trademark — Did you know Oracle formally owns the ‘JavaScript’ trademark? There have been a few efforts to change this over the years (most recently via this open letter) but Oracle isn’t listening. The Deno team has now formally filed a petition to cancel the trademark which Deno claims is fradulent because Oracle used screenshots of Node.js, a project Oracle doesn’t even own, as evidence of the trademark’s use.
A Complete Introduction to SQLite — Join Brian Holt for this video course and get to grips with the world’s most widely-deployed database. You’ll create Node.js app with SQLite — learning about queries, table management, optimization, and much more.
Frontend Masters sponsor
Node.js 22 Runtime Now Available in AWS Lambda — AWS’s popular serverless platform, which initially launched with only Node.js support, has just turned ten, and this week adds official support for the latest Node LTS release too.
Julian Wood (AWS)
△ Vercel has added a Node.js 22 runtime for builds and functions this week too.
Node v23.3.0 (Current) and v20.18.1 (LTS) have both been released. Both are quite minor in their scope.
TypeScript 5.7 has been released. Node users should appreciate the path rewriting for relative paths, ability to target ES2024 runtimes, and support for V8’s compile caching.
Matteo Collina says that the new Node.js SQLite API is being unflagged soon and that he’s “been working with it for a bit, and it’s amazing!”
Vit’s Luke Karrys gives an update on NodeConf EU and the Collaborator Summit that took place there. Augustin Mauroy also shares lots more technical details that came out of the summit, including steps the Node team will be taking next.
Exploring JavaScript Symbols — Symbols were a new ‘quirky little primitive’ (as Trevor puts it) that arrived with ES6 ten years ago, but they continue to be poorly understood. Trevor boils them down really well, including a little side quest into the likely-to-be-deprecated ‘species.’
Trevor I. Lasn
Avoiding False Positives in Node.js Tests — Specifically, avoiding loose/unstrict equality checks, overly general assertions, shallow equality, and misunderstandings over what assertions are doing.
Greg Gorlen
📄 From Gatsby to Eleventy – Moving from a React framework to a Node.js static site generation approach. Matt Steele
📄 Build Well-Documented and Authenticated APIs in Node with Fastify Julián Duque
📄 How to Code-Sign and Notarize an Electron Application for macOS Farhan CK
📄 How to Prerelease an npm Package Scott Vandehey
🛠 Code & Tools
Math.js 14.0: An Extensive Math Library for Node and Browsers — Work with complex numbers, fractions, units, matrices, symbolic computation, etc. A long standing library now, but continuing to get frequent updates. GitHub repo.
Jos de Jong
🌐 country-to-iso: Convert Country Names and Codes into ISO Codes — Unexciting, but incredibly useful when you’re bombarded by inconsistent country names and you need to use standardized ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 or 3 references (e.g. Germany is DE or DEU, Angola is AO or AGO).
James Jackson
Automate Embedding Creation and Syncing in Postgres with pgai Vectorizer — 🚀 pgai Vectorizer automates embedding creation and syncing in Postgres with one SQL command—keeps embeddings updated, no tools needed.
Timescale sponsor
Better SQLite3 11.6: Fast and Simple SQLite3 Library — We remain big fans of this easy way to get running with vanilla SQLite3 because it just makes everything simpler. It has good docs too. v11.6 bumps us up to SQLite 3.47.1 (which is a bigger release than the version number implies).
Joshua Wise
🔥 0x 5.8: Single-Command Flamegraph Profiling for Node — A tool that can profile and generate an interactive flamegraph for a Node process in a single command.
David Mark Clements
Crawlee 3.12: Web Scraping and Browser Automation Library — A mature library to handle Web crawling and scraping while appearing ‘human-like’ and supporting multiple switchable backends, such as to support JavaScript rendering on sites that demand it.
DOMPurify 3.2: A Fast, Tolerant XSS Sanitizer for HTML — Supports all modern browsers and is heavily tested, but also works in Node thanks to jsdom. There’s a live demo here.
📰 Classifieds
📚 Risk mitigation is key to safeguarding your organization’s future. Discover how Temporal enhances reliability and minimizes risk in finserv.
Got a passion for scalability, performance and resilience? Join the engineering team at Crystallize and play with toys like Node, AWS, MongoDB, Terraform, Nx and friends.
Middy 6.0 – Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda. The big changes are for Node 22 support now that AWS Lambda has an official Node 22 runtime.
WebdriverIO 9.4 – Browser and mobile automation test framework.
nrm 1.4 – Fast switching between registries: npm, cnpm, nj, taobao.
MongoDB Node.js Driver 6.11 – The latest official MongoDB driver.
LogTape 0.8 – Simple logging library for all major JS runtimes.
np 10.1 – A better npm publish
. Now supports Bun too.
js-bson 6.10 – MongoDB BSON parser for Node and browsers.
Got a link for us? Reply and tell us. We can’t include everything but we’ll look at anything you send. Thanks!
Sponsorship: Email [kristina@cooperpress.com](mailto:kristina@cooperpress.com)
for details.
Published by Cooper Press Ltd.
Fairfield Enterprise Centre, Louth, LN11 0LS, United Kingdom
#557 — 2024 年 11 月 26 日
[](https:// nodeweekly.com/link/162664/0a4070b383)
Deno 诉 Oracle:取消 JavaScript 商标 — 您知道 Oracle 正式拥有“JavaScript”商标吗?多年来,我们已经做出了一些努力来改变这一点(最近是通过这封公开信),但 Oracle 没有倾听。 Deno 团队现已正式提交申请,要求取消该商标,Deno 声称该商标具有欺诈性,因为 Oracle 使用了 Node.js(Oracle 甚至不拥有该项目)的屏幕截图作为该商标使用的证据。
[](https://nodeweekly.com/link/162664/0a4070b383 )
SQLite 完整简介 — 与 Brian Holt 一起学习此视频课程,了解世界上部署最广泛的数据库。您将使用 SQLite 创建 Node.js 应用程序 - 了解查询、表管理、优化等等。
Node.js 22 运行时现已在 AWS Lambda 中可用 — AWS 流行的无服务器平台,最初仅使用 Node.js 启动支持,已经刚满十岁,本周增加了官方支持也适用于最新的 Node LTS 版本。
朱利安·伍德 (AWS)
△ Vercel 本周也为构建和功能添加了 Node.js 22 运行时。
Node v23.3.0(当前) 和 v20.18.1 (LTS) 有两人都被释放了。两者的范围都很小。
TypeScript 5.7 已发布。 Node 用户应该欣赏相对路径的路径重写、针对 ES2024 运行时的能力以及[支持 V8 的编译缓存。](https://nodeweekly. com/link/162674/0a4070b383)
Matteo Collina 说 新的 Node.js SQLite API 很快就会被取消标记他*“已经用它工作了一段时间,这太神奇了!”*
Vit 的 Luke Karrys 提供 NodeConf EU 和合作者峰会的最新情况 在那里举行。 Augustin Mauroy 还分享了更多技术细节,其中包括 Node 团队下一步将采取的步骤。
探索 JavaScript 符号 — 符号 是一个新的 * “古怪的小原始”*(正如 Trevor 所说)十年前随 ES6 一起出现,但它们仍然是不太了解。特雷弗(Trevor)将它们总结得非常好,包括对可能被弃用的“物种”的一些支线探索。
避免 Node.js 测试中的误报 — 具体来说,避免松散/不严格的相等性检查、过于笼统的断言、浅薄的相等性和对断言正在做什么的误解。
📄 从 Gatsby 到 Eleventy – 从 React 框架转向 Node.js 静态站点生成方法。马特·斯蒂尔
📄 使用 Fastify 在 Node 中构建记录良好且经过验证的 API Julián Duque
📄 如何对 macOS 的 Electron 应用程序进行代码签名和公证 Farhan CK
📄 如何预发布 npm 包 Scott Vandehey
🛠 代码和工具
Math.js 14.0:适用于节点和浏览器的扩展数学库 — 使用复数、分数、单位、矩阵、符号计算、等等。现在是一个长期存在的库,但继续得到频繁的更新。 GitHub 存储库。
🌐 country-to-iso:将国家/地区名称和代码转换为 ISO 代码 — 平淡无奇,但当你受到不一致的轰炸时非常有用国家名称,并且您需要使用标准化 ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 或 3 参考(例如,德国是 DE 或 DEU,安哥拉是AO 或 AGO)。
使用 pgai Vectorizer 在 Postgres 中自动创建嵌入并同步 — 🚀 pgai Vectorizer 使用一个 SQL 命令在 Postgres 中自动创建嵌入并同步 — 保持嵌入已更新,无需任何工具。
更好的 SQLite3 11.6:快速而简单的 SQLite3 库 — 我们仍然是这种使用普通 SQLite3 运行的简单方法的忠实粉丝,因为它只是让一切都变得更简单。它也有很好的文档。 v11.6 将我们提升到[SQLite 3.47.1](https://nodeweekly.com/link/162692/0a4070b383 )(这是一个比版本号所暗示的更大的版本)。
🔥 0x 5.8:Node 的单命令火焰图分析 — 一个可以为 Node 进程分析并生成交互式火焰图的工具。单个命令。
Crawlee 3.12:Web 抓取和浏览器自动化库 — 一个成熟的库,用于处理 Web 抓取和抓取,同时呈现“类似人类”并支持多个可切换后端,例如支持在需要的网站上呈现 JavaScript。
DOMPurify 3.2:针对 HTML 的快速、宽容的 XSS 清理程序 — 支持所有现代浏览器并经过严格测试,但也可以在 Node 中运行,这要归功于jsdom。这里有现场演示
📰 分类广告
📚 降低风险是保障组织未来的关键。 了解 Temporal 如何增强金融服务的可靠性并最大限度地降低风险。
对可扩展性、性能和弹性的热情?加入 Crystallize 的工程团队,与 Node、AWS、MongoDB、Terraform、Nx 等玩具一起玩。
Middy 6.0 – 适用于 AWS Lambda 的 Node.js 中间件引擎。现在,Node 22 支持发生了重大变化,AWS Lambda 拥有官方 Node 22 运行时。
WebdriverIO 9.4 – 浏览器和移动自动化测试框架。
nrm 1.4 – 在注册表之间快速切换:npm、cnpm、nj、taobao。
MongoDB Node.js 驱动程序 6.11 – 最新的官方 MongoDB 驱动程序。
LogTape 0.8 – 适用于所有主要 JS 运行时的简单日志库。
np 10.1 – 更好的“npm 发布”。现在也支持 Bun。
js-bson 6.10 – 用于 Node 和浏览器的 MongoDB BSON 解析器。
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