#553 — October 29, 2024
Together with
Transformers.js v3: Now You Can Run Transformers in Node.js — A JavaScript port of Hugging Face’s transformers
Python library that makes it possible to run natural language, vision, and audio machine learning models. v3 adds WebGPU support and now supports Node (plus Deno and Bun) as well as the browser. 1200+ models are ready to run in areas like embeddings, text generation, and speech recognition (as with whisper-small).
Hugging Face
Node v22.11.0 ‘Jod’ Released; Becomes Active LTS Release — With this release, Node 22 flips from being the ‘Current’ cutting edge release to being a dependable release with the all-important LTS (Long Term Support) designation. It is, however, broadly the same as Node v22.10.
Richard Lau
Master Performance and Speed Up Your Site — This detailed video course shares the fundamentals of web performance, covering key Core Web Vitals metrics such as Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and Interaction to Next Paint (INP). You’ll learn how to best use Lighthouse, WebPageTest and other tools in order to make your site lightning.
Frontend Masters sponsor
Node v23.1.0 (Current) Released — Node 22 takes a breather, but Node 23 picks up the ‘Current’ baton and will get all the juiciest new features until Node 24 arrives in April/May 2025. In v23.1, JSON modules and import attributes are now stable, the MockTimers
test runner API is stable, and Buffer
objects created from resizable ArrayBuffer
s will now update their size properly.
Antoine du Hamel
Understanding npm audit
and Fixing Vulnerabilities — npm audit
checks your project’s dependencies for security issues by comparing them to a known vulnerability database.
Niraj Chauhan
Bootstrapping CRUD with Pongo — Pongo is a package that uses Postgres as a database but offers a MongoDB style, document-oriented API.
Oskar Dudycz
Run GitHub Actions Up to 2x Faster at Half the Cost — Blacksmith runs GitHub Actions up to 2x faster at half the cost. Trusted by 100+ companies like Ashby and Slope.
Blacksmith sponsor
📄 Node.js, Pipes, and Disappearing Bytes – If piping a Node app’s output to another command, mysterious problems can arise.. Sam Lijin
📄 Building a Mental Model of Node.js Streams Pavel Romanov
📄 Setting the Default Time Zone in Node.js Stefan Judis
🛠 Code & Tools
Tinybench 3.0: A Tiny, Simple Benchmarking Library — Uses whatever precise timing capabilities are available (e.g. process.hrtime
or peformance.now
). You can then benchmark whatever functions you want, specify how long or how many times to benchmark for, and get a variety of stats in return. GitHub repo.
Fetch Mock 12.0: Mock Requests by the fetch
API — A flexible API for mocking HTTP requests made by fetch
or fetch-imitating libraries. Supports browsers, Node, and web/service workers.
Rhys Evans
parse-xml 4.2: A Fast, Compliant XML Parser — Its goal is to be fast, robust with good error handling, and to have no native dependencies. v4.2 boasts being up to 28% faster than previous versions.
Ryan Grove
Dependency Cruiser 16.5: A Way to Visualize Dependencies — If you want a look at the output, there’s a whole page of graphs for popular, real world projects including Chalk, Yarn, and React.
Sander Verweij
Wireit: Extends npm/Yarn Scripts to Make Them Smarter, More Efficient — Working with npm run
, Wireit extends your scripts with features like result caching, parallelization, and watching/re-running on changes. There’s a VS Code extension to help you write such enhanced scripts too.
match-sorter 7.0: Deterministic Best-Match Array Sorting — If you have an array of items you want to filter and sort deterministically, match-sorter provides a specified, predictable algorithm. Play with a live demo here.
Kent C. Dodds
AutoCannon 8.0: A Fast HTTP/1.1 Benchmarking Tool — Inspired by wrk and wrk2 with support for HTTP pipelining.
Matteo Collina
📰 Classifieds
🚀 pgai Vectorizer automates embedding creation and syncing in Postgres with one SQL command—keeps embeddings updated, no tools needed.
🧵 Jumping between multiple environments, juggling tasks like logging & tracing? Our Node.js app server with automatic multithreading can help.
[Guide] Debugging Microservices & Distributed Systems: Best practices on debugging modern web applications. Read more 🔍
serverless-express 4.16 – Run Express on AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Lambda@Edge, etc. Now supporting Express 5 too.
Execa 9.5 – Powerful process execution library. With v9.5, when redirecting stdout
or stderr
to a file, you can optionally append rather than replace.
Medusa 2.0 – A popular Node.js based ecommerce platform.
📺 YouTube.js 11.0 – Unofficial JS client for YouTube’s private API.
Mineflayer 4.23 – Create Minecraft bots in JavaScript.
Faker 9.1 – Generate large amounts of fake data.
AVA 6.2 – Popular test runner for Node.
Opossum 8.2 – Circuit breaker library.
Got a link for us? Reply and tell us. We can’t include everything but we’ll look at anything you send. Thanks!
Sponsorship: Email [kristina@cooperpress.com](mailto:kristina@cooperpress.com)
for details.
Published by Cooper Press Ltd.
Fairfield Enterprise Centre, Louth, LN11 0LS, United Kingdom
#553 — 2024 年 10 月 29 日
[](https:// nodeweekly.com/link/161507/0a4070b383)
Transformers.js v3:现在您可以在 Node.js 中运行 Transformers — [JavaScript 端口](https://nodeweekly.com /link/161509/0a4070b383)Hugging Face 的“transformers”Python 库,使运行自然语言、视觉和音频机器学习模型成为可能。 v3 添加了 WebGPU 支持,现在支持 Node(加上 Deno 和 Bun)以及浏览器。 1200 多个模型 已准备好在嵌入、文本生成和语音识别等领域运行(与 [whisper-small](https://nodeweekly. com/link/161511/0a4070b383))。
节点 v22.11.0 ‘Jod’ 发布;成为活跃的 LTS 版本 — 通过此版本,Node 22 从“当前”前沿版本转变为可靠版本,具有所有功能-重要的 LTS(长期支持)称号。不过,它与 Node v22.10 大致相同。
掌握性能并提高网站速度 — 这个详细的视频课程分享了 Web 性能的基础知识,涵盖了关键的核心 Web Vitals 指标,例如累积布局转换 (CLS) 和与下一个绘制的交互 (INP)。您将学习如何最好地使用 Lighthouse、WebPageTest 和其他工具,让您的网站变得闪电般。
Node v23.1.0(当前)发布 — Node 22 稍作喘息,但 Node 23 接过“当前”接力棒并将获得所有最有趣的新功能,直到 2025 年 4 月/5 月 Node 24 到来为止。在 v23.1 中,JSON 模块和导入属性现在稳定,“MockTimers”测试运行器 API 稳定,并且从可调整大小的“ArrayBuffer”创建“Buffer”对象现在将正确更新其尺寸。
了解 npmaudit
和修复漏洞 — npmaudit
使用 Pongo 引导 CRUD — Pongo 是一个包它使用 Postgres 作为数据库,但提供 MongoDB 风格、面向文档的 API。
以一半的成本运行 GitHub Actions 的速度提高 2 倍 — Blacksmith 以一半的成本运行 GitHub Actions 的速度提高 2 倍。受到 Ashby 和 Slope 等 100 多家公司的信赖。
📄 Node.js、管道和消失的字节 – 如果将 Node 应用程序的输出通过管道传输到另一个命令,可能会出现神秘的问题.. Sam Lijin
📄 构建 Node.js 流的心理模型 Pavel Romanov
📄 在 Node.js 中设置默认时区 Stefan Judis
🛠 代码和工具
Tinybench 3.0:一个小型、简单的基准测试库 - 使用任何可用的精确计时功能(例如 process.hrtime
或 peformance.现在
)。然后,您可以对所需的任何函数进行基准测试,指定基准测试的时间或次数,并获得各种统计数据作为回报。 GitHub 存储库。
Fetch Mock 12.0:通过 fetch
API 进行模拟请求 — 一个灵活的 API,用于模拟 fetch 发出的 HTTP 请求
或模仿 fetch 的库。支持浏览器、节点和网络/服务工作人员。
parse-xml 4.2:一个快速、兼容的 XML 解析器 — 它的目标是快速、健壮、具有良好的错误处理能力,并且没有本机依赖项。 v4.2 号称比以前的版本快了 28%。
Dependency Cruiser 16.5:一种可视化依赖关系的方法 — 如果你想查看输出,这里有一整页流行的图表,现实世界项目](https://nodeweekly.com/link/161526/0a4070b383) 包括 Chalk、Yarn 和 React。
Wireit:扩展 npm/Yarn 脚本,使它们更智能、更高效 — 使用 npm run
,Wireit 可以扩展您的脚本的功能例如结果缓存、并行化以及监视/重新运行更改。还有VS Code 扩展 可以帮助您编写此类增强型脚本。
match-sorter 7.0:确定性最佳匹配数组排序 — 如果您有一个要确定性过滤和排序的项目数组,请匹配-sorter 提供指定的、可预测的算法。 此处提供现场演示
AutoCannon 8.0:快速 HTTP/1.1 基准测试工具 — 受到 wrk 和 wrk2 的启发,支持 HTTP 管道。
📰 分类广告
🚀 pgai Vectorizer 使用一个 SQL 命令在 Postgres 中自动创建嵌入并同步 - 保持嵌入更新,无需任何工具。
🧵 在多个环境之间切换,处理诸如日志记录和跟踪之类的任务? 我们的 Node.js 应用服务器 具有自动多线程功能可以提供帮助。
[指南]调试微服务和分布式系统:调试现代 Web 应用程序的最佳实践。 阅读更多 🔍
serverless-express 4.16 – 在 AWS Lambda、API Gateway、Lambda@Edge 等上运行 Express。现在也支持 Express 5。
Execa 9.5 – 强大的流程执行库。在 v9.5 中,将“stdout”或“stderr”重定向到文件时,您可以选择“追加”而不是替换。
Medusa 2.0 – 一个流行的基于 Node.js 的电子商务平台。
📺 YouTube.js 11.0 – YouTube 私有 API 的非官方 JS 客户端。
Mineflayer 4.23 – 使用 JavaScript 创建 Minecraft 机器人。
Faker 9.1 – 生成大量虚假数据。
AVA 6.2 – Node.js 的流行测试运行程序。
Opossum 8.2 – 断路器库。
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