星期二 02 下午 十月 15o 2024
Jod only knows what Node v22 LTS will be called
#551 — October 15, 2024
😅 If you didn’t get Node Weekly last week, don’t panic - no one did! We were taking a scheduled week off, but unfortunately forgot to notify you in the previous issue. We’re now back every Tuesday till December 17 and the Xmas break :-)
Peter Cooper, your editor
Together with
Node v20.18.0 (LTS) Released; v20 ‘Iron’ Prepares to Bow Out as Active LTS Release — It’s been a quiet few weeks for official releases. This update marks one of the last in Node 20’s run as the active LTS release, and introduces experimental network inspection support. Node 22 will soon take over the active LTS crown (as per schedule) but what will its codename be given there are no elements starting with J? Amazingly, this question was asked six years ago and it’s (probably) going to be Jod.
Michaël Zasso
Announcing Deno 2: Node Done Right, Again(?) — What if the inventor of Node got to do it all over again? Deno! v2.0 refines the recipe with a focus on backwards compatibility with Node, an area surely impeding adoption till now. We love the ▶️ epic ‘Announcing Deno 2’ video recorded by Ryan and the team – it’s a mix of entertainment and a ‘keynote-style’ tour of everything modern Deno has to offer, if you’ve not yet been convinced.
Dahl, Belder, Iwańczuk and Jiang
Become a Better Engineer in Less Than 5 Minutes a Week — Hacking Scale is a bi-weekly newsletter about building and scaling software. Get an engineering story explained in < 1000 words, with hand-drawn visuals, delivered to your inbox. Ship with secrets from Figma or OpenAI.
Hacking Scale sponsor
How Bun Supports V8 APIs Without Using V8 — Bun uses the JavaScriptCore engine, not V8, yet it can support Node addons that rely upon V8’s APIs. Here’s how it works under the hood.
Ben Grant (Bun)
Announcing TypeScript 5.7 Beta — The newest TypeScript is on the way. As always, there’s a laundry list of enhancements and features, but the path rewriting for relative paths is a particularly welcome addition for those building server-side apps, enabling easy rewrites of .ts
imports into .js
at compile time.
Node vs Bun: No Backend Performance Difference? — You can always trust a benchmark to ruffle some feathers, often over the methodology rather than the result. This is no exception, but interesting nonetheless.
Evert Heylen
📄 How to Submit an Electron App to the macOS App Store Liu Liu
📰 Classifieds
[Guide] Debugging Microservices & Distributed Systems: Best practices on debugging modern web applications. Read more 🔍
🧰 PostgreSQL is all you need for AI. Use pgvectorscale to get 28x faster search, 75% cheaper vs popular vector databases.
Hookdeck: Stripe-level DX for all your webhooks.
🛠 Code & Tools
Inquirer.js 12.0: A Collection of Common Interactive CLI Controls — Want to ask your users questions? Select from predefined options? Enter a password? Check boxes? (Maybe you want to make sure they’re not affiliated with WP Engine or something ridiculous like that.) Well, then, this is for you.
Simon Boudrias
Node Version Manager Desktop 4.0 — A Tauri-powered desktop app for macOS, Windows and Linux to manage multiple installed versions of Node on your system.
Check Out Depot’s GitHub Actions Price Calculator and Optimize Your Builds — Depot just launched a GitHub Actions price calculator! Get a cost breakdown & see how much faster and cheaper Depot is.
Depot / GitHub Actions Price Calculator sponsor
pretty-print: Appealing String Representations of JS Values — Produce a string representation of any value. Similar to util.inspect
but with many extra options for tree-ifying, coloring, sorting, choosing what to display, etc.
Effectful Technologies Inc
🤖 KaibanJS: A Framework for Building Multi-Agent Systems — Why let Python have all the AI and LLM fun? KaibanJS promises to ‘fill the void’ by offering a JS-first framework specifically for building LLM-powered AI agents.
Dariel Noel
DOCX 9.0: Generate Word .docx
Files from JavaScript — The code to lay out documents is verbose but there’s a lot of functionality baked in and there aren’t many other options for this task. Here’s a CodePen-based example to give you an idea. GitHub repo.
Dolan Miu
Jeasx: The Ease of JSX with the Power of SSR — A new server side rendering framework built on top of JSX and Fastify.
Maik Jablonski
ip-address 10.0: Library for Parsing and Manipulating IP Addresses — Works with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Beau Gunderson
Express.js 5.0.1 – Note that the 5.0 release is still tagged as ‘next
milliparsec 5.0 – “Tiniest body parser in the universe.”
Secretlint 9.0 – Tool to prevent committing credentials/secrets.
Wasp 0.15 – Wasp is a Rails-like framework using Node, React & Prisma.
pg-promise 11.10 – Postgres interface for Node.
Undici 6.20 – Node’s HTTP/1.1 client library.
Got a link for us? Reply and tell us. We can’t include everything but we’ll look at anything you send. Thanks!
Sponsorship: Email [kristina@cooperpress.com](mailto:kristina@cooperpress.com)
for details.
Published by Cooper Press Ltd.
Fairfield Enterprise Centre, Louth, LN11 0LS, United Kingdom
#551 — 2024 年 10 月 15 日
😅 如果您上周没有收到 Node Weekly,请不要惊慌 - 没有人收到!我们原本计划休息一周,但不幸的是忘记在上一期中通知您。我们现在每周二都会回来,直到 12 月 17 日和圣诞节假期:- )
[](https://nodeweekly.com/link/160975/0a4070b383 )
【Node v20.18.0(LTS)发布; v20 ‘Iron’ 准备退出活跃 LTS 版本](https://nodeweekly.com/link/160976/0a4070b383 “nodejs.org”) — 对于正式版本来说,这几周是安静的。此更新标志着 Node 20 作为活动 LTS 版本运行的最后一个更新,并引入了实验性网络检查支持。 Node 22 将很快接管活动 LTS皇冠(按照时间表),但是如果没有以 J 开头的元素,它的代号是什么?令人惊讶的是,这个问题是六年前提出的并且它(可能)将是Jod。
宣布 Deno 2:Node 再次正确完成(?) — 如果 Node 的发明者必须重新来过怎么办? Deno! v2.0 改进了配方,重点是与 Node 的向后兼容性,到目前为止,这一领域肯定会阻碍采用。我们喜欢 Ryan 和团队录制的 ▶️ 史诗般的“宣布 Deno 2”视频 – 这是娱乐和“主题演讲风格”的一切之旅的结合如果您还没有被说服,那么现代 Deno 已经提供了。
每周不到 5 分钟成为一名更好的工程师 — Hacking Scale 是一份关于构建和扩展软件的双周通讯。将一个不到 1000 字的工程故事(带有手绘视觉效果)发送到您的收件箱。 附带 Figma 或 OpenAI 的秘密。
Bun 如何在不使用 V8 的情况下支持 V8 API — Bun 使用JavaScriptCore 引擎,而不是 V8,但它可以支持依赖于 V8 API 的 Node 插件。以下是它的幕后工作原理。
本·格兰特 (Bun)
宣布推出 TypeScript 5.7 Beta — 最新的 TypeScript 即将推出。与往常一样,有一系列增强功能和功能,但是 相对路径的路径重写 对于那些构建服务器端应用程序的人来说是一个特别受欢迎的补充,使得在编译时轻松将“.ts”导入重写为“.js”。
Node vs Bun:没有后端性能差异? - 你总是可以相信基准测试会激怒一些人,通常是通过方法而不是结果。这也不例外,但仍然很有趣。
📄 【如何向 macOS App Store 提交 Electron 应用】(https://nodeweekly.com/link/160988/0a4070b383) 刘刘
📰 分类广告
[指南]调试微服务和分布式系统:调试现代 Web 应用程序的最佳实践。 阅读更多 🔍
🧰 PostgreSQL 是人工智能所需的一切。使用 pgvectorscale 的搜索速度比流行的矢量数据库快 28 倍,价格便宜 75%。
Hookdeck:适用于所有 webhook 的条带级 DX。
🛠 代码和工具
Inquirer.js 12.0:常见交互式 CLI 控件的集合 — 想向用户询问问题吗?从预定义选项中选择?输入密码?勾选框? (也许您想确保它们不隶属于 WP Engine 或 类似的荒谬的东西。) 好吧,那么,这是给您的。
Node Version Manager Desktop 4.0 — 一个 Tauri 支持的桌面适用于 macOS、Windows 和 Linux 的应用程序,用于管理系统上已安装的多个 Node 版本。
查看 Depot 的 GitHub Actions 价格计算器并优化您的构建 — Depot 刚刚推出了 GitHub Actions 价格计算器!获取成本明细并了解 Depot 的速度和成本有多低。
Depot / GitHub Actions 价格计算器赞助商
pretty-print:吸引 JS 值的字符串表示 — 生成任何值的字符串表示。与 util.inspect 类似,但有许多额外的选项用于树化、着色、排序、选择显示内容等。
🤖 KaibanJS:构建多代理系统的框架 — 为什么让 Python 享受 AI 和 LLM 的所有乐趣? KaibanJS 承诺通过提供专门用于构建 LLM 驱动的 AI 代理的 JS 优先框架来“填补空白”。
DOCX 9.0:从 JavaScript 生成 Word .docx
文件 — 布置文档的代码很冗长,但有很多* 内置的功能,并且没有太多其他选项可以完成此任务。这里有一个基于 CodePen 的示例 来给您一个想法。 GitHub 存储库。
Jeasx:借助 SSR 的强大功能,轻松实现 JSX — 一个基于 JSX 和 Fastify 构建的新服务器端渲染框架。
ip-address 10.0:用于解析和操作 IP 地址的库 — 适用于 IPv4 和 IPv6 地址。
Express.js 5.0.1 – 请注意,5.0 版本仍然标记为“next”
milliparsec 5.0 – “宇宙中最小的主体解析器。”
Secretlint 9.0 – 防止提交凭证/秘密的工具。
pg-promise 11.10 – Node.js 的 Postgres 接口。
Undici 6.20 – Node 的 HTTP/1.1 客户端库。
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